Families_R_Forever Posts: 630
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support
This is the only time I have to log on today so I thought I would start the weigh in's since kistinbee is off having fun.:happy: I hope that all your weigh in's are great!!!:flowerforyou:

Starting weight on 1-14: 176
Three weeks ago: 163.7
Two weeks ago: 162.2
One week ago: 165.4
TODAY: 164.5

1 pound- not great but also not bad, I 'll take what I can get!!!

JULY GOAL: 145:happy:
FINAL GOAL:125 :flowerforyou:


  • This is the only time I have to log on today so I thought I would start the weigh in's since kistinbee is off having fun.:happy: I hope that all your weigh in's are great!!!:flowerforyou:

    Starting weight on 1-14: 176
    Three weeks ago: 163.7
    Two weeks ago: 162.2
    One week ago: 165.4
    TODAY: 164.5

    1 pound- not great but also not bad, I 'll take what I can get!!!

    JULY GOAL: 145:happy:
    FINAL GOAL:125 :flowerforyou:
  • Good Morning JGC pals... Happy St. Patty's Day! :smile:

    I had a great week. I bought a Polar F11 watch and was a bit disappointed in that. Not disappointed in the watch itself but how many calories I acutally burn. There is a 70 to 100 calorie difference per workout! Now I am glad I rarely eat all of my workout calories. :grumble: I would have been WAY over eating.

    Here are my stats...

    Start of JGC: 182 lbs
    Last Week: 168 lbs
    Today: 166 lbs

    Loss for the week: 2 lbs
    Total loss for JGC: 14lbs
    Total MFP loss: 24 lbs (1 lb away from being halfway there :bigsmile: )

    Great Job on your 1 lb loss hheath. Keep up the awesome work! Through perseverance we can do this!!!

    Have a stupendous week everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Good morning! May we all have the luck o' the Irish this week!:drinker:

    My week was bad and good. I tried to fix my broken elliptical machine but it didn't work so I am waiting on a replacement part. That left me with the treadmill which hurts my right hip after a while for some reason. So I didn't work out much, but I also didn't eat much because I had a weird stomach bug for several days. Last night we had friends over for African food and I thought I overdid it with the wine and carbs, but the scale was actually my friend this morning!...

    Start MFP (Nov 07) - 182.5
    Two weeks ago - 158.2
    Last week - 157.2
    Today - 153.8

    So I am only 1.5 lbs away from having lost 30!! And that only leaves me with 15 lbs to my overall goal of 138!! :bigsmile:

    Congrats to hheath and rookie for the loss! :flowerforyou:

    *Rookie - I have an F11 as well and was shocked by the difference in calories burned from what the machines and websites say. Yesterday we went cross country skiing for 2 hours. The website claimed 1100 cals burned while the Polar only said 685!! Keep in mind, too, that you still have to subtract your BMR calories from what the watch says to get true calories burned. Good luck!! I suggest wearing it for an entire day to get an idea of normal calorie burn for yourself.

  • *Rookie - I have an F11 as well and was shocked by the difference in calories burned from what the machines and websites say. Yesterday we went cross country skiing for 2 hours. The website claimed 1100 cals burned while the Polar only said 685!! Keep in mind, too, that you still have to subtract your BMR calories from what the watch says to get true calories burned. Good luck!! I suggest wearing it for an entire day to get an idea of normal calorie burn for yourself.

    I will try that. Did you wear yours on an off day? Meaning on a day you didn't work out at all?
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member

    *Rookie - I have an F11 as well and was shocked by the difference in calories burned from what the machines and websites say. Yesterday we went cross country skiing for 2 hours. The website claimed 1100 cals burned while the Polar only said 685!! Keep in mind, too, that you still have to subtract your BMR calories from what the watch says to get true calories burned. Good luck!! I suggest wearing it for an entire day to get an idea of normal calorie burn for yourself.

    I will try that. Did you wear yours on an off day? Meaning on a day you didn't work out at all?

    I tried to change things up a bit throughout the day just to get a feel for my normal activities (sitting vs walking vs cooking, etc). I worked out a little. As long as you keep track, it doesn't matter if you work out or not. Here are the results that I posted last week:

    8am - noon = 350 calories burned (sitting at my desk)
    noon - 1pm = 128 cals (lunch and straightening the house)
    1pm - 2pm = 134 cals (walking around work)
    2pm- 3pm = 307 cals (hard physical labor at work)
    3pm - 4:25pm = 168 cals (desk again)
    4:25pm - 5:05pm = 180 cals (riding the stationary bike while talking on the phone)
    5:05pm - 7:30pm = 366 cals (dinner and relaxing)
    7:30pm - 8:50pm = 252 cals (orchestra practice)
    8:50pm - 10:00pm = 102 cals (relaxing on the couch)

    A grand total of 1987 calories burned while awake for 14 hours. Add about 600 calories while I sleep for 10 hours (yes, I like sleep A LOT). That is almost 2600 calories burned in one day. For my activity level I normally burn about 1900-2000 per day. So I burned about 600 through exercise yesterday which is relatively close to what I had calculated.
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    Well, I haven't gotten on the scale since last Tuesday. I think I'm going to stay off for about a week. I had so many parties and events this weekend and then today is an anniversary and we are going out with friends. So, I think I'm just going to focus on getting in my workouts eating as healthy as I can and then weight in next Friday.

    That'll be 2 weeks without weighing myself... I'll see if I can do it. :laugh:
  • Hey everyone

    I am stuck.... for the 2nd week in a row.

    Start 1/18: 195
    Last Week: 185
    This week: 185

    I have not been cheating and been sticking to my exercise plan. Oh well, next week!
    Congrats to everyone who lost this week:smile:
  • Is this only for people who weigh in on Mondays? My weigh in day is Fridays, but I'm hoping to lose 17lbs by July 1st!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hello fellow challengers! I don't weigh in until tomorrow morning, greysweatshirt, and others chime in throughout the week.

    I didn't do a whole lot of working out this week, unfortunately - I came down with a cold, and am going nuts getting ready for my big trip to South America! :glasses: We leave on Thursday for two weeks. I am so excited. As for weight loss, I'm not going to worry about it too much while I'm gone - as long as I don't gain too much, I will be happy. I'm thinking I'll be doing a lot of walking and some swimming, but who knows what I'll be eating - I'm a vegetarian, AND I don't want to get sick from eating uncooked food, so my options may be a little limited. :laugh: But I don't care!!!

    I think I still managed a loss this week, though - so I'll check back tomorrow with the results!!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Hello fellow challengers! I don't weigh in until tomorrow morning, greysweatshirt, and others chime in throughout the week.

    I didn't do a whole lot of working out this week, unfortunately - I came down with a cold, and am going nuts getting ready for my big trip to South America! :glasses: We leave on Thursday for two weeks. I am so excited. As for weight loss, I'm not going to worry about it too much while I'm gone - as long as I don't gain too much, I will be happy. I'm thinking I'll be doing a lot of walking and some swimming, but who knows what I'll be eating - I'm a vegetarian, AND I don't want to get sick from eating uncooked food, so my options may be a little limited. :laugh: But I don't care!!!

    I think I still managed a loss this week, though - so I'll check back tomorrow with the results!!

    I am very jealous of your trip. Nicaragua was amazing last year. We are working our way south and hope to hit Ecuador and Peru next. Don't worry about food. You will be eating a lot of rice and beans. I don't know how much international travel you have done, but I can give you some tips since I lived in Africa for 3 years and have been to Latin America several times. The cultures are amazing. Don't let worries about food keep you from trying anything. Above all, have fun!!!!:drinker:
  • Is this only for people who weigh in on Mondays? My weigh in day is Fridays, but I'm hoping to lose 17lbs by July 1st!

    You can weigh in on any day that you want. Their are people posting their weigh in's all throughout the week. Kistinbee keeps the post going through out the week by motivatng and encourging everyone. She does a great job. Good luck on your weigh in day!!! HH
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I am very jealous of your trip. Nicaragua was amazing last year. We are working our way south and hope to hit Ecuador and Peru next. Don't worry about food. You will be eating a lot of rice and beans. I don't know how much international travel you have done, but I can give you some tips since I lived in Africa for 3 years and have been to Latin America several times. The cultures are amazing. Don't let worries about food keep you from trying anything. Above all, have fun!!!!:drinker:

    Thanks!!! As it turns out - we are going to Ecuador and Peru! Neither of us have been to either Central or South America, so we decided those were the first two places we wanted to visit. I am not too worried about the food - I spent a semester in Ghana in college and managed just fine. Actually, I was probably in the best shape of my life when I got back - it turns out, walking is good for you! Who knew? :tongue:

    Where did you live in Africa? Send me a note and maybe we can swap stories. :smile:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Weigh-in results:

    Start of challenge (2/12 for me): 194.8
    Last week's weight: 187.8
    Current weight: 185.8
    July Goal: 155

    Pounds lost this week: 2.0

    Yay! So good results for this week. :smile: Great job, everyone!
  • I for some reason do not how to subtract. :blushing: LOL... I put in my first post that I've lost a total of 14 lbs since I started this GREAT JGC, however I've lost a total of 16 lbs! :tongue:

    That makes me pretty darn excited! :bigsmile:
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    I for some reason do not how to subtract. :blushing: LOL... I put in my first post that I've lost a total of 14 lbs since I started this GREAT JGC, however I've lost a total of 16 lbs! :tongue:

    That makes me pretty darn excited! :bigsmile:

    Wow! I wish I could surprise myself with bad math weight loss! :laugh:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Starting Weight on 9/6/07 - 270
    Current weight: 199
    Goal weight by July 4: 169
    Goal weight loss per week: 2
    Weight lost this week: 4 (I had a gain last week due to time of month)
    Weight lost for this challenge: 10
    Weight lost total since Sept: 71
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Starting Weight on 9/6/07 - 270
    Current weight: 199
    Goal weight by July 4: 169
    Goal weight loss per week: 2
    Weight lost this week: 4 (I had a gain last week due to time of month)
    Weight lost for this challenge: 10
    Weight lost total since Sept: 71

    Congrats on dropping under 200! That's fantastic. 71 pounds is amazing. Keep it up girl!!:flowerforyou:
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