I'm 50, and can't get motivated.



  • Sharita0427
    Sharita0427 Posts: 38 Member
    I'll be 30 in less than 2 weeks & can't get motivated to save my life. After I had my second child I just let myself go w/o even noticing (if that makes any sense). I just always thought I lose the weight like I did after my first child, but I was sadly mistaken. My son is now 3 & I'm at my highest weight ever. I too am looking to lose 100+ lbs.
  • Thinworks2013
    Thinworks2013 Posts: 4 Member
    While I only became a member yesterday, I have been a lifetime member with Weight Watchers having lost over 80 pounds. First and foremost, you ARE a strong person as is clearly evidenced by the fact that you even signed onto this site. So, give yourself a bit of credit and recognize that this truly can be the start of a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.
    I also, just in the last six months, became a cancer survivor having survived two breast surgeries and cervical spine surgery which was a two year recovery and, if the chemotherapy, complete hair loss and radiation weren't enough, I was one of those rare cancer patients who actually gained wieight - 30 pounds - as a result of the steroids that were part of my chemo infusions.
    My 55th birthday is coming up this month and I am convinced that I am a "survivor" for a reason.
    My motivation? Hey, my beautiful life is just starting! I get up every day, grab a sunrise when I can and plant one foot in front of the other. It takes a lot more than cancer to get me down, my friend! So, have a cup of coffee, walk down to the corner and let this be the first step - you have to start somewhere. Your two children deserve at least that much. My new mantra? "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." There ya' go...
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I'm 56 and I have another 93 pounds to lose. Motivation for you? Younger kids, heart issues, diabetis, elderly parent(s). Sounds like a lot of motivation right there. Easier said than done. I wound up having bariatric surgery to get my weight off, no matter what the motivation, until my own mobility was at risk, I couldn't do it. My suggestion to you is talk to your doctor about weight loss plans. Explore the bariatric end of it if you want, but your doctor should be able to help you either way. Lots of water, lots of protein, really low on the carbs and fat and exercise, even if it's just a daily walk. Again, esier said than done. I struggle every day with the exercise end of things and on some days the eating too. You said it, it's all on you. It is for all of with or without weight loss surgery. Good luck.
  • LynnA62M
    Good words thin and best of luck to you!
  • Yargsy
    Yargsy Posts: 1
    Good on you, for trying again. You will do it and you will get motivated when the time is right. Sometimes I feel that just losing 5lbs at the beginning and feeling ever so "lighter" is motivation enough to keep going. Be proud of yourself that you are here and that you are recognizing that you need to make change. That's a good start!
    Good Luck!
  • 4twins
    4twins Posts: 14 Member
    If you want to have something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done. That phrase motivates me anyway. It is possible to lose weight in a healthy way but I find that when I focus on how unmotivated I am... the more unmotivated I become. I have to start by doing things that don't come naturally and slowly but surely it gets easier. Don't wait for a big "feeling" of motivation to come your way, just start! A year from now you will wish you started today!
  • SillyFitMe
    SillyFitMe Posts: 130 Member
    Hate to exercise? You're in luck because loosing weight is 85% what AND how much you eat. There is really no exercise required to achieve a healthy weight if you are eating well and sticking to normal size portions. Love to cook? Spice it up a little and experiment in the kitchen with some fiery new healthy recipes. You will find some you love and even start to crave after a while! Oh and a little trick - I find that over flavoring dishes automatically causes me to eat less and feel satisfied. Best of luck in recovering the strength and health you once had! So you never have to feel weak and helpless ever again.
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    Only you can decide if getting healthy is worth it. MFP is a great tool if you use it. I hate exercise but I do it anyways, I don't like limiting my food intake but I do it. I like the new me and do not want to go back to where I was. Took me a long time to get to this point but I want it. The question is DO YOU?
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    Can anyone tell me how to get the weight loss progress on my posts ? I've tried to copy/paste but it doesn't seem to work.

    Go to the apps tab
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    sounds brutal
  • Good luck with your journey! If the end goal is too overwhelming to think about, think about where you will be in six months if you lose 1-2 pounds per week. You would be well on your way to that goal! Log everything as soon as you eat it -- definitely helps you think about what you are putting in your mouth. I love to cook also. I find that if I am careful about my breakfast, lunch, and snacks, I can cook a normal dinner for my family and eat whatever I make for them, and it works out calorie-wise. By being careful throughout the day, I am leaving plenty of calories for dinner to accommodate the family meal. Try to avoid breads as much as possible, and of course sweets. Good luck!
  • grammysboy
    grammysboy Posts: 151 Member
    When I set up my profile here at MFP, I only put in half of the weight I need to lose to get to the "normal" BMI number, and I told it I wanted to lose 1.5 pound per week. At best I'm looking at seven months just to get to my first goal. It took at least 10 years to get to this point, (a few pounds a year over time start adding up!) The nice thing about this site is you get X calories a day and if you log what you eat you'll know if you are doing the right stuff. It also allows you to add calories for exercise that you can eat back later in the day or week. It's not rocket science, but as many have said, it is a slow process and requires patience. Plan to spend a year, or maybe two losing the 100 pounds you need to to become healthy.

    Best of luck. I'm almost 55 and know what you mean about not having the energy you did 10-15 years ago!
  • dnish53
    dnish53 Posts: 162 Member
    Stop looking at the 100 lb mark. It can be overwhelming. I am 54 and it wasn't until last February that one incident happened that made me realize the excuses would not work any more. Two of my doctors told me how much benefit would come from me just losing 10% of my body weight. That was my initial goal and then it didn't seem so bad. I did feel better when I got to that number, but by then I was on a roll. I have lost 65 lbs so far with another 30-40 lbs to go.
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    You know what? And pardon my not saying this earlier..... I just plain forgot.... I am at least strong in some way as I weigh 278 pounds, but I was as high as 325 pounds AFTER my heart attack. I was in depression, I think, and I was too worn out to do much... but eventually that passed and I go as low as 268 pounds, and stayed close to that for a few years now...... so yeah, I guess I do have some recent successes.

    Thank you!
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    Well, I did find some motivation today.... after waking up to find myself 10 pounds lighter, I finally went to the YMCA and did a real workout..... and by that I mean legitimate, but it''s a start..... would still like to find 3 -4 more friends.
  • ssharpen
    Congradulations for ggetting back and trying again, keeping wieght off can be a yo yo and ecer so hard. You need all the support youc can get and you need to ask for it from everyone around you. No miracles long slow hard slog but it will be worth it. Motivation you said you have 2 young children....don't you want to see them grow into adults and share their ups and downs be there for them.....alll the mtivation you need....and make sure you treat yourself well your worth it! Any change no matter how small is worth it don't look at the big picuture take it one step at a time
