Defeat Before Start?

Hey Guys,

Xerses here. Trying it again. again and again.Deja vu right even though I m so young. Because I finally (re) woke after my last 2 year binge. Always finding excuses. The task is too daunting. I know I know , small steps. Easy to say. But I want it all , I want it now , just like Queen. I want to wake up tomorrow feeling 100 lbs lighter. But it does n't happen so you 're all alone with your thoughts , feeling like a failure against that monster. So i 'm trying MFP. Combining my love of technology ( which curiously enough , is a part of the problem. Oh The irony) with my ever present need to conform to society. I hope I can learn from you guys , because I know I am not alone , and I hope I can share with you my thoughts.
