Any Anemic's Out There?

Hi all, I have just been diagnosed with being Anemic and Low Vitamin D Deficency. I am looking to learn what others like me do to keep themselves energetic and active? I have been noticing sleeping about 10 hours a day and its not restful, I wake up feeling like I have not slept at all. My doc has me on an Iron Supplement and same for Vitamin D. I might have to up the iron amount as I have been on it for a few months now and it worked for a little bit, but now the extreme sleeping is back. I just want to know what you all do for diet, exercise and well vitamins to keep yourself motivated and energetic?!


  • Reeny1_8
    Reeny1_8 Posts: 277
    Just started myself. I am anemic and I'm on iron pills as well. Best thing I can suggest is make an appointment with your doc to address all your concerns. There could be more going on than you realize. Better to know for sure than be left wondering :)
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Thing is she did a ton of blood work and only can say the Anemic and Low V D is why I am having these symptoms and nothing else is showing up.
  • SweetSailor
    SweetSailor Posts: 81 Member
    I am not anemic but my iron count is always just above anemia, it seems it always has been, and I DO NOT take a supplement. I have been turned down twice to donate blood because of these low levels so I do my best to eat iron rich foods for energy, and because I do want to donate blood when I can.

    You can adjust your macros to include iron count (as other do with sugar, etc) and when logging food just check you are using correct entries because user entries aren't always complete. I googled good sources and work to include them in my food consumption (beans, eggs, shellfish, very dark chocolate). Feel free to add me and check out how I eat.

    THAT said, however, you are taking supplements, so don't over do it unless your doctor thinks it's ok.

    Since I've been watching this, my energy level has increased.
  • I've been anemic almost my entire life and what I would suggest is taking whatever iron pills you were given with orange juice (the vitamin C helps with absorption) and to take them on an empty stomach. It definitely hurts but my doctor told me it absorbs better that way, so maybe try right before bed. Of course though, consult your doctor before making any changes!!! However, I found this routine works fairly well for me!
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    I've been severely anemic for about 10 years, I was finally diagnosed with Celiac this summer so hopefully my levels will stay steady now. I had an IV treatment a few months ago to boost my levels, but they still dropped after that.

    Right now I just take supplements, I take 1-3 supplements daiy (depends on what my levels are currently at) and I try to take them with an orange, or orange juice since vit. C helps with absorbtion. And don't take them with dairy, that will hinder absorbtion.