Ashley The Extreme

Hello All,

My name is Ashley and I am not really new to this site.
I am a returning MFP - And I have succeeded with this site before... But
The thing is I never stick with the Life Change of eating right and exercising.
I think to myself "you are a strong driven independent woman why can you not follow through with this..."
I now realize that I need a support group that is going through the same life changes as I.
I need that accountability and responsibility to give me that extra motivation I cannot seem to give myself at this time. I need to reach out to others and commit to this change.
This life change of mine is not just about physical health, but my overall well being.
It's funny I've always been able to help others, and go the whole nine yards for them, but when it comes to "me" I flake out.

I've always been over weight, and the thought of being “skinny” or “fit” is a fantasy I've dreamed so often about, that when the reality check hits’ on what I must do to obtain this dream I turn skittish and turn away from the goal. Over these next few months I want to be able to look in the mirror and not only like what I see, but remind myself that this is my time. Time for change.

I am a 20 year old female that is on the verge of 200lbs.
My goal is to eat right, exercise, and live a healthy life style.
My Goal weight is 145lbs.

All those MFPs out there that has succeeded and are succeeding
Thank you for your courage, strength, and best of all inspiration to others.



  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Welcome back! You can do this! You are worth it!