Tofu Donburi

msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
I'm going to say in advance this is not a low sodium dish. I made this as a treat, even though its otherwise pretty healthy. Make sure that when you make it you drink a LOT of water.

Donburis (literally 'ricebowl' in Japanese) are fast food dishes of any number of assorted things being served over rice. The best rice to use is glutenous rice - sticky rice, sushi rice, whatever you can find. I'm sure you could also use brown rice to make it a bit healthier.

Tofu alone may not be a meat substitute, but it is the first step to making one; match it with strong, interesting flavors and take care to cook it properly. Makes 2 servings.

• 4 ounces firm tofu
• 2 tablespoons Vegetable oil
• 1 cup homemade vegetable stock
• 2 tablespoons soy sauce
• 1.5 tablespoons sugar
• 3 eggs, beaten lightly
• 1 scallion, chopped
• 1 cup cooked rice

Place the tofu between two paper towels on a plate. Put a large plate on top of the tofu and a 5-pound weight (I use a bottle of wine) on top of the plate, letting press for 30 minutes. Cut the tofu into 1/2-inch squares.

Heat the oil in a medium pan. Fry the tofu pieces, stirring, until lightly browned, about 5 minutes. Remove and dry the tofu. Pour out the oil.

In a medium pot over medium heat, combine the stock, soy sauce, and sugar in the pan and bring to a boil. Turn down heat to simmer. Add the tofu, cooking 5 minutes. Stir in the eggs and scallions and bring the heat to medium, until mixture begins to bubble around the edges. Turn heat down to low, cover, and let cook 3 minutes.

Remove from heat. Divide rice evenly between two bowls. Spoon the mixture over the rice and serve.


To trim it down substitute low sodium soy sauce. Make your own veggie broth with light salt (I used a bullion cube). You could probably use an egg substitute as well. There's no right or wrong way to make the dish. Have fun and enjoy!