Tonight I binged.



  • bluecrayonz
    bluecrayonz Posts: 459 Member
    @jestermfp I appreciate the thorough response thanks!
  • aquariansmb
    aquariansmb Posts: 44 Member
    I can sympathize with this...a lot. What I have come to learn/understand/watch for is that binging is usually never about food. Anyone who truly struggles with this problem can attest that there is more going on to trigger an episode than some nutrient deprivation. Living healthy is probably 20% physical and 80% mental. Without getting the healthy thinking in line, it doesn't matter what you do physically. You are going to need to do some serious internal work if you want to get your binging manageable. It's a hard road but a necessary one. I wish I could tell you for certain that one day you will wake up and never ever binge again. I wish that for myself too! I don't know that such a thing will ever happen, but I maintain hope that as long as I wake up every. single. day. determined to try...forgetting about what happened the day before and focusing only on the now...that it will get easier. Support is critical too. Good luck :)
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    Don't worry about it, we all do. Just start again. Eat enough calories (~1500+ a day) & make sure you strength train. A lot of people make the mistake of not lifting heavy. It's what shapes your body. You'll be okay. :heart:
  • MVarghese418
    MVarghese418 Posts: 25 Member
    I am a total binge eater too. What I have found to have some success is to log my binges. My backsliding has gotten better. I still have problems with the whole "I've already screwed up I might as well have another cookie" issues. But slowly but surely, my 5 cookie binge has become a four cookie binge, and I am hoping to make it a 3..2..1.
  • just don't beat yourself up about it, everyone slips up every now and then ox
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    I had a binge moment this past week. The fridge even beeped at me cause it was open so long from me finding things to put in my mouth. I just let it beep while I continued to eat chips and dip infront of it. I felt bad about it, logged it, worked out, built my bridge and got over it. These things happen! Especially if we haven't taken the time to look into the reasons to why we binge and tackle those issues. Don't be too hard on yourself :)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Please limit use of the scales. It does weird things that don't even make sense. I've seen my weight go up when I was so sick that I couldn't keep anything down. The scales can make you crazy!
  • seashell99z
    seashell99z Posts: 113 Member
    Don't worry about weighing yourself every day. If you don't follow a routine on weigh in days/nights before, your weight will never truly be trackable. I know that I personally have a pretty set routine for the evening before the days I weigh in. I don't eat or drink anything after 7PM. I do my workout sometime around 8-9, drinking water as needed, but usually no more than 16 oz. And I weigh in the next morning after the uh.. morning ritual. If you eat and drink super late, it can definitely effect the scale the next morning. I know that with the amount of water I drink (usually over 20 cups a day) I can easily have a couple pounds of water weight that I carry over to the next morning.

    Also, I only weigh in twice a week. I don't look at the scale except for those 2 days, and I make sure I followed my routine the night before. Consistency is the best way to get accurate numbers on your true weight.

    Either way, this type of thing works for me. And as for the binge eating... Keep raw almonds/fruit/green salad stuff around. You can eat cups of that stuff and barely rack up enough calories to do any damage.

    thanks your right i really need to stop weighing myself all day every day its just so hard idk i became addicted to the scale

    Put your scale in the trunk of your car! Silly I know, but out of sight out of mind.
  • CrazyAnne
    CrazyAnne Posts: 217 Member
    Has anybody ever tried so hard only to see the scale go up? It's like no matter what I do or hoow hard I try I'll always be fat. I can eat perfectly for 6 days and then mess up on the 7th and the whole week of progress is lost because I gain the weight back. I don't know what to do anymore. I want to lose weight so badly but i Can't be perfect all the time and the second i deviate I watch the scale inch up...

    Put the scale away and take it one day at a time.
  • aisirc
    aisirc Posts: 4 Member
    i don't really binge eat, but once or twice a week i like to get drunk. alcohol calories + whatever junk i might eat when i'm drunk tend to add up, and i think for a long time it was wiping out my progress. what i've started doing to combat that is balancing my calories by the week, starting with the days i know i'm going to consume a lot. if i eat 2100 calories on a friday (or on christmas, for example), i try to eat lower during the rest of the week so that i average about 1600/day. this way i stress out less about having a spike day, and because i now start the week with the highest day(s), i can assess the damage i did and control it. maybe something like this would make you feel like you have control of your binges?
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Has anybody ever tried so hard only to see the scale go up? It's like no matter what I do or hoow hard I try I'll always be fat. I can eat perfectly for 6 days and then mess up on the 7th and the whole week of progress is lost because I gain the weight back. I don't know what to do anymore. I want to lose weight so badly but i Can't be perfect all the time and the second i deviate I watch the scale inch up...

    If you really are eating perfectly for 6 days and binging on the 7th, you probably are NOT undoing all your forward progress with a gain of actual FAT.

    I had a free day around Christmas where I went out to eat with family twice in one day. For lunch, I ate Chinese food like it was my last meal on earth. For dinner, I ate half a New York style pizza. (It was an awesome day by the way LOL :drinker: ). Best calculations I could come up with for my day was close to 5000 calories. The next morning, I was curious, and weighed in and was up SEVEN pounds. Two days later, my weight was back down to my previous low. The big factors in that binge or free day or whatever you want to call it is sodium/water retention and any change to bowel habits. I think it would be hard not to take in a massive amount of sodium unless you are binging on fresh fruits and vegetables :laugh:

    Don't give up after a single bad day. There will always be days like that and it is so helpful when you stick with this for awhile to see that you actually can have a day, sometimes a few in a row, like during a holiday or vacation, that actually don't mess you up over the long-term. The scale is such a tricky b1tch sometimes - it isn't going to distinguish among muscle, body fat, water, etc. Find some complementary methods such as measurements and pics to track your progress along with the weight. And if daily weigh-ins are messing with your head that much, try only weighing yourself once a week or once a month or something. :flowerforyou: