Just curious?

I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced what I have reagarding muscle cramps. Before I started this journey, I suffered nightly terrible muscle cramps that would literally throw me out of bed! Not kidding! I have never moved so fast! I would have to run around the house putting pressure on the spot where the cramp was sometimes for up to 15 minutes. They were so painful sometimes it would make me cry. I had them in my arms, both legs: thighs and calves and even my feet! Anyway, since I've been excercising just about everyday, even weekends. (I alternate between cardio, strength training, stretching and callisthentics) I haven't had but I think 2 cramps in the last couple months. so, my question, do anyone know if my cramping was related to my lack of excercise? I have some pretty bad nerve damage in my left leg from the knee down and I literally do not have much feeling on the left side of my left leg. I figured the cramping was realted to this, but I do get it other areas too. Last time I saw my Doc I forgot to ask about it. Can anyone out there explain this?

Thanks in advance!!!


  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    It's strange that you posted this because I just pointed out to my husband (about 45 min ago) that these horrible cramps that would keep me up at night in my outer thighs have been pretty much nonexistent since I've been trying to work out 5-6 days a week. Very interesting, I can't wait to see what people have to say.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    It's probably linked to a healthier eating style, there's vitamin deficiencies that cause cramping, I eat bananas alot when I get a sudden bout of leg and feet cramps and it gets better within a few days, they're high in Potassium. I'm sure working those muscles and getting them stronger help alot too.