No More Excuses -- Week 17



  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    good morning all!!!! Well got my measurements from CURVES and I lost 4.25 inches in February!!! YIPEE!!!! However while everything went down, my body fat went up. The nice thing is too, my BMI went down and is getting into the normal range!!! YEAY!!!!

    Well, today should be a normal day for me I hope!!! Just work, curves and then my ds' choir concert.

    Renae....I have to tell you I am really enjoying my green tea twice a day. I try and start out at work with it before the coffee or my morning shake, and then at night to kind of relax. It is nice. Thanks for sharing the tip!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • gym_rat
    gym_rat Posts: 94
    Good Morning everyone!

    I'm really struggling the last few days. I do so well ALL day and then blow it at night. I'm not sure what it is. Emotions are taking its toll and I just miss my husband. Another 10.5 months of this deployment seems incredibly overwhelming and lonely. I know what I'm supposed to do - stay busy, etc. But it's one thing to say those things and another to actually *do* those things. I think I'm just in a rut and hopefully can pull myself out. I'm not trying to make an excuse or anything but just sometimes... the days are hard. I've come so far with weight loss and I have about 5-10lbs left that I want to lose and for some reason it's so daunting. I lost about 80 already and the thought of 10 scares me? What's up with that?

    Yesterday I saw Jillian Michaels on "The Doctors" and she told this woman who is addicted to mocha lattes that she has to start hating them and hating what they are doing to her body and her life. I liked that. I never thought of it that way and wish I had that motivation last night when I reached for the m&ms and ate the whole thing.

    Today will be better. I'm sure of it.

    tigermom - great job on the losing those inches! That's awesome.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning team...I'm off to a late start again. I went to the gym first thing this morning and I feel fabulous. I forgot how good it feels to work out early. I have to type a few hours now and then run errands. Hope you all have a wonderful day. I will drink 8 glasses of water today (with a little Crystal Light):smile:

    Ann...Congrats on the loss. You inspire me.

    Gymrat...Today will be a better day:flowerforyou:

    Hawkeye...I have a chocolate addiction too (really anything sweet). I like those Fiber One oats and chocolate bars, 4 grams of fat and about 8 grams of fiber (I think). They are great, not cardboardy at all and lots of chocolate chips in them.

    Teresa...Good for you, getting it all done early is great!

    P.S. I am doing my 20 crunches a day!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi all

    This Week: 179.5
    Last Week: 182.0
    I am down 2 and a half pounds and official broke through the 180's. I don't recall ever weighing under 180 in my teen year. This is totally blowin my mind. I'm sorry i haven't been online that much lately. I've been a little busy, I got into another karaoke contest so i have been learning alot of new songs.
    I'm sorry i haven't been doing the challenges so much, i honesty am working out everyday but i get lazy with typing it all up online. I am still doing well with my food and excersising tracking on Spark People. Well i don't know what else to say. Just know that i'm around, i check in every thursday for sure

  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162

    Congratulations on the awesome achievement of getting to below 180. I personally have not seen below 180 in about 20 years and am working towards that goal myself. That really is a "HUGE" accomplishment and you should be very very proud of yourself for making that happen.

    Keep up the good work!!

  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Great Job Sarina!!!! Keep it up!! Way to get up and moving Teresa! You go girl!!!!

    Everyone is staying tough which is so inspiring to me. I know there are days when I would just as soon lay around in my jammies and EAT all day!!!! Each one of you have motivated me to keep going one way or another! Thanks for that!

    Keep up all the great loss team!!!!
  • BornNRaised
    Good Morning everyone!

    I'm really struggling the last few days. I do so well ALL day and then blow it at night. I'm not sure what it is. Emotions are taking its toll and I just miss my husband. Another 10.5 months of this deployment seems incredibly overwhelming and lonely. I know what I'm supposed to do - stay busy, etc. But it's one thing to say those things and another to actually *do* those things. I think I'm just in a rut and hopefully can pull myself out. I'm not trying to make an excuse or anything but just sometimes... the days are hard. I've come so far with weight loss and I have about 5-10lbs left that I want to lose and for some reason it's so daunting. I lost about 80 already and the thought of 10 scares me? What's up with that?

    Yesterday I saw Jillian Michaels on "The Doctors" and she told this woman who is addicted to mocha lattes that she has to start hating them and hating what they are doing to her body and her life. I liked that. I never thought of it that way and wish I had that motivation last night when I reached for the m&ms and ate the whole thing.

    Today will be better. I'm sure of it.

    tigermom - great job on the losing those inches! That's awesome.

    I have always had this problem with finishing things. You only have 5 to 10 lbs left to loose. My Mom always told me it's the journey that I like and I don't want it to end. So I don't want to finish what I start. I think my Mom was pretty much right on. As far as the loneliness, I don't have the answer, but I do feel your pain. We will always be here for you to vent with. Sending hugs your way.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello Everyone!! I am BACK!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully for good this time. I have gained a whopping 37 pounds back and I am so :mad: mad:explode: at myself for letting myself go like that when I know what to do and what works for me. I am proud that I did not gain all the weight back but I am ashamed of myself knowing that I had lost 52 pounds and now it is only 15. However, I am determined not to let it get me down and determined more than ever to get back on it and stay on it this time with no more excuses.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Hello Everyone!! I am BACK!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully for good this time. I have gained a whopping 37 pounds back and I am so :mad: mad:explode: at myself for letting myself go like that when I know what to do and what works for me. I am proud that I did not gain all the weight back but I am ashamed of myself knowing that I had lost 52 pounds and now it is only 15. However, I am determined not to let it get me down and determined more than ever to get back on it and stay on it this time with no more excuses.

    Hey there!!!! Nice to see you back. So glad you are!!! The important thing is that you are back. Stay with us, and we can all overcome our hurdles!!! ;) Like you know what you need to do and what works for you. See ya!!! ;)
  • SeminoleFan30
    Hello Everyone!! I am BACK!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully for good this time. I have gained a whopping 37 pounds back and I am so :mad: mad:explode: at myself for letting myself go like that when I know what to do and what works for me. I am proud that I did not gain all the weight back but I am ashamed of myself knowing that I had lost 52 pounds and now it is only 15. However, I am determined not to let it get me down and determined more than ever to get back on it and stay on it this time with no more excuses.

    This is me, I deleted my account and decided to start fresh, so now I am SeminoleFan30.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello Everyone!! I am BACK!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully for good this time. I have gained a whopping 37 pounds back and I am so :mad: mad:explode: at myself for letting myself go like that when I know what to do and what works for me. I am proud that I did not gain all the weight back but I am ashamed of myself knowing that I had lost 52 pounds and now it is only 15. However, I am determined not to let it get me down and determined more than ever to get back on it and stay on it this time with no more excuses.

    This is me, I deleted my account and decided to start fresh, so now I am SeminoleFan30.

    Glad you are back. I have lost and gained 50 pounds about 1,000 times in my lifetime. This time I am determined to stick with it and get to goal and stay there. It is so very hard, I know. Stick with us and we will lose it together!!
  • gym_rat
    gym_rat Posts: 94
    Hello Everyone!! I am BACK!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully for good this time. I have gained a whopping 37 pounds back and I am so :mad: mad:explode: at myself for letting myself go like that when I know what to do and what works for me. I am proud that I did not gain all the weight back but I am ashamed of myself knowing that I had lost 52 pounds and now it is only 15. However, I am determined not to let it get me down and determined more than ever to get back on it and stay on it this time with no more excuses.

    Welcome back! Remember that we are all here to support you. If you are having a bad day, vent here. I did this morning and today turned out to be a pretty good day :)
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all...Off to type some before hubby and I go to lunch. Still hanging in there, no weight lost. I am really trying to limit my tea and drink more water or Crystal Light but it is so hard for me. I will try harder. I had a wonderful day yesterday with food and exercise and then I sat down to watch CSI and The Mentalist. I ate almost a whole tin of Lays Stax by myself. I think there are 7 left. Uugghh! I was so disgusted (and a little sick). Needless to say, no weight loss today either. I kinda just spun my wheels the whole month of February so it is time to get moving. My oldest plays in a soccer tournament this weekend and youngest has bowling and then straight to the Pinewood Derby. Busy, busy, busy. Have a wonderful weekend. It is supposed to be in the mid 50's here. Woohoo, we're having a heat wave!!
  • BornNRaised
    Welcome aboard.....

    Off to an early start again. It seems to work for me. Need advice for back strengthening exercise. Does anyone have one? Need something simple to start with. My muscles aren't there just yet.
    It's going to be a good day. Temperature is to be 62 degrees....WaaaHoo!!!!
  • SeminoleFan30
    Hello Everyone!! I am BACK!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully for good this time. I have gained a whopping 37 pounds back and I am so :mad: mad:explode: at myself for letting myself go like that when I know what to do and what works for me. I am proud that I did not gain all the weight back but I am ashamed of myself knowing that I had lost 52 pounds and now it is only 15. However, I am determined not to let it get me down and determined more than ever to get back on it and stay on it this time with no more excuses.

    This is me, I deleted my account and decided to start fresh, so now I am SeminoleFan30.

    Glad you are back. I have lost and gained 50 pounds about 1,000 times in my lifetime. This time I am determined to stick with it and get to goal and stay there. It is so very hard, I know. Stick with us and we will lose it together!!

    Thanks I am here to stay!!
  • SeminoleFan30
    Hello Everyone!! I am BACK!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully for good this time. I have gained a whopping 37 pounds back and I am so :mad: mad:explode: at myself for letting myself go like that when I know what to do and what works for me. I am proud that I did not gain all the weight back but I am ashamed of myself knowing that I had lost 52 pounds and now it is only 15. However, I am determined not to let it get me down and determined more than ever to get back on it and stay on it this time with no more excuses.

    Welcome back! Remember that we are all here to support you. If you are having a bad day, vent here. I did this morning and today turned out to be a pretty good day :)

  • SeminoleFan30
    Well, I am up and ready to go this morning. So far so good. I plan on sticking with it all day and staying within my calories that I am susposed to eat. No make that I will stick with it all day and stay within the calories that I am susposed to eat. I hope each and every one of you have a great day!!!!!!!! I know I will!!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all, kids are feeling better, still coughing but not as much as before. But now I have chest cold. Never did make it to step-aerobics last night, chest feels to tight, and coughing. Going into Yorkton today for some lab test (had a physical last week), and my son has a doc appt to get his iron test results.

    Well I had an awesome weigh in this morning. I was 159.4. Lost 2.4 pounds. I haven't been in the 150's since just before I got pregnat with my son in 2006 I was 156.

    See how I feel this afternoon, I will try to maybe go on treadmill for W3D2 of C25K. Tomorrow there is a rec hockey tourament at the rink all day, so the kids are going to grandma and grandp's for a sleepover, my husband is playing in the tournament, and I am running the beer gardens. Hopefully I am feeling better, it should be a good day. Also have to clean out basement today, make a path (lol). We are getting reverse osmosis water put in on Tuesday.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good morning all...Off to type some before hubby and I go to lunch. Still hanging in there, no weight lost. I am really trying to limit my tea and drink more water or Crystal Light but it is so hard for me. I will try harder. I had a wonderful day yesterday with food and exercise and then I sat down to watch CSI and The Mentalist. I ate almost a whole tin of Lays Stax by myself. I think there are 7 left. Uugghh! I was so disgusted (and a little sick). Needless to say, no weight loss today either. I kinda just spun my wheels the whole month of February so it is time to get moving. My oldest plays in a soccer tournament this weekend and youngest has bowling and then straight to the Pinewood Derby. Busy, busy, busy. Have a wonderful weekend. It is supposed to be in the mid 50's here. Woohoo, we're having a heat wave!!

    You will be fine Tammy. Are you trying the green tea as Renae suggested? I am and i love it, and truly I think it does do something!!!! ;) My kids bowled (1 still in a league) and were boy scouts as well. We have 3 Eagle Scouts in the family. The 2 youngest lost interest after cub scouts. One of them though took the pinewood derby championship. That was cool. The car was ugly as sin but boy could it fly!!! ;) It is so fun to see them participate in stuff like that!

    Suppose to be 50's here as well! YEAY!!! I am so ready for the nice weather!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Welcome aboard.....

    Off to an early start again. It seems to work for me. Need advice for back strengthening exercise. Does anyone have one? Need something simple to start with. My muscles aren't there just yet.
    It's going to be a good day. Temperature is to be 62 degrees....WaaaHoo!!!!

    Boy I am not sure. When my 19 yr old messed up his discs they had him doing more of "stretching" first. Maybe you could start with that to get your muscles ready. That is what they said for my dh as well. If you lay flat on your back on the floor, arms extended to the sides, bend one knee up and use the oposite arm to pull it to that side....keeping shoulders on the floor. EX. left leg, use right hand, pull to the right side. That probably just confused the heck out of you, but I don't know what they are "officially" called. I can't get my knee all the way down to the ground just yet, but am working on it.

    Hopefully someone else will have some advice for you. You might look up on the internet as well!
