Do you keep that old "fat wardrobe"?

Do you keep a "fat wardrobe" in case you regain weight? If so, doesn't that sort of set yourself up for accepting that you won't maintain your weight loss? I am working on cleaning out my closet, and am going to get rid of my "big" clothes. If I gain too much to fit into my smaller size, then maybe the discomfort of not having anything to wear will make me realize that I need to kick my butt into gear to not pack on extra pounds.

Do you have a "fat wardrobe", and why do you hang you onto it?

Success to all! We can get to our goals!:love:


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I think you should get rid of those fat clothes ASAP. I agree. If you're uncomfortable and don't have clothes that fit, it will motivate you to get back on the wagon.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :smile: I have always had 'Skinny Clothes' but now I am to a point where even my Skinny clothes are too loose:laugh: I do NOT have room for a third wardrobe, and I agree with the person who said "Get rid of them!" I am buying my clothes for now at a thrift store. Whenever I go shopping I take at least one sack of clothes down there to be donated to them. I am expecting/planning to donate some of the 'New' clothes back to them when I get closer to my goal weight.
  • BarefootBrendan
    In the beginning I kept a few pairs of pants around just in case. In the end I threw out all my fat clothes. The best motiviation for staying thin is to reward yourself with fantastic new clothes that look and fit great!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Oddly enough I used to keep 'some' fat clothes... even had a pair of work pants (they were fairly new) that I kept from my largest time but this time - Yes, I do believe it is a way to set myself up to regain - no more!!! Using the MFP I actually feel secure about this and ambagging them up and taking them to the clothing banks. I have skinny clothes yet - but I may get rid of those if I'm not into them when I hit my goal because this time I doing this right and healthy. So whenever I hit my goal - that's where I will be! :flowerforyou:
  • kayep21
    kayep21 Posts: 2
    I have just sent 2 bin bags of fat clothes to the clothes bank - I have just left myself with a few things to tide me over until I have lost weight - motivation being a whole new wardrobe of thin clothes!!!! Wish me luck!! :wink:
  • kaydtc
    kaydtc Posts: 48
    Definitely agree - get rid! They were the old you, the new you will be wearing smaller clothes :smile:
  • marjaskow
    marjaskow Posts: 81
    I've been losing weight for 2 years now. I kept one pair of shorts from when I started to remind myself how bad it was and never to go back but everything else is gone. I can pull them up over anything I have on & still have room after losing 70 pounds so far. Otherwise the clothes went to charity or resale shop. Now I only buy what I need to get through to the next season knowing that by the time I need to wear them again they will be too big. I too buy at the resale shops if I can. I bought a pair of black dress pants that were like new for $5 before the holidays and had to wear them yesterday & they were uncomfortably loose on me already. Felt great as it seems the pounds lost have slowed down, but obviously the inches are coming off!
  • angelface12004
    I just got rid of two pair of jeans and now the only reason i am keeping some tops (they are loose) is that i don't have the money to replace them all but thank god for used clothing stores lol. I will never gain the weight back, and it felt so good to throw my jeans away :happy:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Thrift stores are the magic bullet for this, both in the shedding of old fat clothes, and the obtaining of new skinnier clothes - thrift/consignment shopping is standby for me as a rule anyhow.
    I didn't keep any of the fat clothes because some of them were so nice, I couldn't bear to hoard them - they reminded me of how hard it was to assemble a fat-wardrobe that was passable. But I gave them up quickly to make room for the newer stuff.
    Having said that, I saved some of the nicer tops and re-seamed them to create a smaller version of my most beloved peices. I have since had to reseam a couple pair of (smaller) pants I couldn't let go either.... All in all, my clothing butdget hasn't taken too big a hit!
  • pitapocket
    pitapocket Posts: 287 Member
    I just got rid of my fat clothes, they were still like new, so I passed them on to someone else to enjoy.