need suggestions for a home workut regime please

i would really like some input of how to construct a decent workout regime, basically i am a mum to four kids, one of which is still at home all day and will be for at least the next 12 months, my husband goes out to work before 5 every morning, and i dont generally tend to see him before 6 in the evening. i appreciate that going to the gym would be my best option but i have nobody willing to babysit on a regular basis during the day and by the time my husbands around and the other three kids come home im busy dealing with cooking, feeding, bathing and the usual bedtime routines.

i have lost about 88lbs and have another 32lbs i would like to lose, so although i do still want to lose weight im more interested in the toning aspect
i average walking around 6 miles per day doing the school run, in nice weather that number probably doubles
i am a very reluctant jogger, 5k takes about 45 mins and i do have to walk some of it, and dont get to do this as often as i would like for the same reasons as i cant use a gym
i do have quite a few fitness dvds (jillian micheals,10 min solutions etc)
i have got a wii (wii fit, zumba, biggest loser)
i have got some light dumbells (1.5 and 2.5) and a kettlebell (6kg)
i have a stationary bike
and above all i have time during the day

any suggestions/advice

thanks in advance x