Whey Protein and a Low Carb Diet

Hi All. I am new here, so I am hoping that I can get some guidance!! I need to lose a total of 150 pounds. I started watching what I was eating in the beginning of November. I have lost a total of 29 pounds, but still have a way to go. I started drinking EAS Soy Protein 20g powder, mixed with 1c of skim milk in the morning as my breakfast. I usually have a salad w/ protein for lunch and some sort of protein and veggie for dinner. I am trying to keep my carbs under 50g/day and really focus on protein. I am keeping my calories under 1400/day. I have also started doing weight training and a cardio mix at least 3 times/week.

My question is, is the EAS soy protein the way to go, or should I switch to whey protein? The soy seems to be taking up the majority of my carbs for the day, and I found that the whey has far less carbs. However, I don't know which is better for what I am trying to accomplish which is primarily weight loss with muscle toning. I do not want to bulk up, but I do want to be lean and fit. I am so blown away by all of the "diets", "supplements", and everything else, that I don't even know if what I am doing is healthy or the right thing.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,994 Member
    I haven't used a protein supplement in so long I forget if you can get a low carb soy one, but yeah, switch to whey if you want, they also can have carbs as well, so you'll have to check. Don't worry about bulking up, it take dedication, time (years) and an excess of calories to do that.