Finding it Difficult Losing Weight at Age 55?

Who said it was easy? Give me a club so I can bat them beside the head! It's very challenging and takes alot of support & determination.

My name is DeAnna and I am 55 years old, weigh 160 pounds @ 5'2", so yes, I'm a little round ball, LOL
I guess I stress eat, which pretty much means, I eat when Im hungry, I eat when Im bored, I eat when Im anxious and I eat just because it's there! Oh, I also eat because otherwise the food is going to go bad and I eat because someone else prepared my overloaded plate.

When you eat like this, it's a habit that is hard to break and at 55 years old, it doesnt come off fast no matter what you do.
Patience is virtue they say, so if I lose a pound a week and I see some form of improvement, then I can keep going. However, it's hard when you mess up and go way over your calories for the day.

I really want to do this and I hope to get support from all you "Over 50 year olds"! Let's do this!! I worry so much about other health factors. I already have Sleep Apnea & high Cholestoral. Now, I worry that I could get Diabetes or something else that is brought on by obesity. It may not seem like alot of weight to some people, however, to me, I feel weighed down all day. I feel like my stomach is constantly stretching and I look aweful in my pictures. We took a family picture over the holidays, and I was SO embarrassed by my size! I am so done with this! Lets go Folks, lets not just lose weight, but lets also get healthy!!! Im in!!!


  • joanmarienana
    joanmarienana Posts: 69 Member
    I will be 55 years old a month from today, and yes, it is more difficult to lose weight as you age, but just because it's challenging, doesn't mean it's impossible. I joined this site the day after Thanksgiving and I have lost almost 4 inches around my waist; which was exactly where I most needed to lose it! Clothes that were too tight to wear are super loose now. Just logging food every day has been very eyeopening as too how much I was actually eating without realizing it, and I have learned so much already that I feel very confident I will succeed at reaching and maintaining a healthy weight!
    And you can too!
    Feel free to add me as a friend in the journey! Best wishes!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I'll be 58 next month. Yes! it is hard but it is very doable. Just never give up on your health. At our age it is not about being bikini thin. it is about having a good quality of life.
    I have been since 2004 losing what I have lost. I have had alot of setbacks but I refuse to give up. Just start slow and make little changes and stick to them.
  • NanaK57
    NanaK57 Posts: 13 Member
    I am 55 too so I know how hard it is to come off. I like having to log in my food because it makes me think twice before I eat something that I shouldn't. I joined about a month or so ago and I have not gone over what my calories any day yet. I love that I have to log in my water because I was bad about drinking the recommended amounts and now it is my goal to exceed that number daily and I have so far.
  • Moonwind75
    Moonwind75 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all! I really appreciate your encouragement!:smile:
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    i am aged 52 and have lost about 35 pounds in five months, so an average of 7 pounds per month. It's not that the weight came off any slower than when I was younger, it was that I had more bad habits and I was more overweight than I ever was in my youth. You CAN do this! Fifty-five just shows that you are strong!