50lb down in 2012 heres to 2013 !

Well since jan 2012 I have lost 50lbs, now I am about to journey through 2013
and Im hoping for another 50 if posible. How has everyone else done in 2012 ?


  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss!

    I lost 42-43, gained back 15-20 in a 6 month break from MFP, then lost it again.
  • casswash2400
    casswash2400 Posts: 39 Member
    Wow, that's an awesome job, you should very proud of yourself. That take a lot of hard work and dedication. I began trying to start my journey August. I did really well for 3 months losing 16 pounds then fell of right before Halloween. Now I have gained back 12 pounds and an trying to find the courage and strength to get back on it which has been a struggle in its self. With having a 7 month old I can't ever seem to find the time to get away and workout. But I'm determined that this will be the year. I need, or shall I say would love to lose a minimum of 72 pounds. I hope this year brings you as much luck as last year did. Just remember this is a long journey and you are on the right track.
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