The Truth about Weight Training vs. Cardio



  • VTSarah07
    I just started at a gym and doing their "circuit weight section" since I figured it was a good place to start. But I really dont know how many reps or sets I really should be doing....any advice for a newbie? :-)

    I am not a trainer, so I dont have an answer for you and I choose classes where I am told what to do but my advice would be to talk to someone at your gym. Since you are new they may offer you 1 free PT session to show you around or if you just explain that you want some suggestions they may help you out, afterall, they want you to continue your membership. Sorry I cant be of more help!
  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    I must have imagined losing 30 pounds from running, weird I'm sure it was there before I started.......
  • VTSarah07
    I agree strength training is KEY to any weight loss and fitness routine. I also know not to let the numbers fool me if my fitness is heavy on strength training, if I am toning my muscles properly the numbers on the scale may not move a lot but the size of my clothing will certainly go down. I focus more on toning and tightening than losing pounds.

    EXACTLY! That's what I was trying to say, but you said it much better, THANK YOU!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    O hells yeah! another one of these this morning just like yesterday morning!

    And the morning before that, and the morning before that, and....

    The Search feature is a wonderful thing!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Even with thyroid crap, I swear lifting weights (including some NROLFW, as a matter of fact) has increased my metabolism. I can eat more now than I used to without packing on a ton of weight.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Copypasta from Huffington Post: :yawn:

    I'll keep doing what I'm doing and losing weight.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I run and the weight falls off like f@cking crazy.

    No. This is all in your mind. And don't forget all those joints you're busy wrecking. (I don't suppose the op has bothered to check the science on that one....(

    I actually came to weight training because I was running (and losing weight running) but my joints were suffering. My joints suffered mostly because I was a killer soccer player in high school and damaged my knees. I was told to start lifting to strengthen the muscles that protect the joints.

    I think a good fitness program includes both cardio and weight training. And stretching. There's no point being STRONG if you can't touch your toes.

    So your joint issues were not related to running then?

    The science re running and joint damage is pretty clear.

    As with any strenuous activity, if you do it right, and you stretch well, running is not bad for joints.
  • VTSarah07
    I used to "run and run and run" but then the weight stopped staying off. It wasn't enough. Even marathon training resulted in an increase in my weight. I started bodypump 3x's a week last year and have taken what I've learned from that and made my own gym routine (with the help of the nike fitness trainer app). More weight has come off, I'm leaner, more toned and guess what? My running has gotten faster.

    I'm running less miles per week now but lifting at least 3x's a week. I'm very pleased with the results. And my new PR's.

    THAT IS AWESOME! Way to go! Keep up the great work!

    One other thing you brought to mind, for those of you who are intimated by the floor and the big boys working out, once you have done classes like BodyPump or other circuit training classes, you will gain the confidence to walk out there, with your head held high, and show those boys what you got! (But, I promise you, they probably arent watching anyways) :)

    Thank you for reading my post. I was just trying to show some new people the benefits of weight lifting. I realize there may be other posts just like this one out there but for some people, this may be the first one they see, or maybe I said something differently that hit home. I think we are all here for the same reasons, to live a healthier lifestyle and feel great about the way we look, so if you dont want to read about the benefits of strength training, you dont have to, but respect the people who do. Some of us our pros and others are new, but we can all help each other.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Nancy_hc
    Nancy_hc Posts: 123 Member
    *like! Thanks for the reminder about the importance of strength training!
  • krys0802
    well this has been very insightful, i was just doing the treadmill but now i will incorporate some strength training.
  • VTSarah07
    O hells yeah! another one of these this morning just like yesterday morning!

    And the morning before that, and the morning before that, and....

    The Search feature is a wonderful thing!

    If there are so many of them, why are you using the search feature to find them? Please clarify. Furthermore, if you dont want to read about it, why did you click on the link? I'm just a bit confused with all the negativity, its unnecessary.
  • VTSarah07
    Copypasta from Huffington Post: :yawn:

    I'll keep doing what I'm doing and losing weight.

    The reason I did not post the link and, instead, copy and pasted, was because people, myself included, are often leary of clicking on links from strangers. Furthermore, I rather post the information than relying on others to go find it for themselves. But I did not claim to write this post, however, that does not make it less true.
  • DianaMI
    DianaMI Posts: 15 Member
    Any and all exercise is good.
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    I love running (and there was a time, not so long ago, I would have laughed myself silly if you told me I'd say those words)..... but I have not yet started to strength train.

    I'm a bit intimidated by it all and am going to meet with a trainer to get some instruction. Then I'll start. ;)

    But its nice to read why its so good... it reaffirms my desire to work on this... to help my weight loss... and hey, maybe even improve my running! :D

    (Whatever motivates, right?)

    I feel your pain, I am the EXACT same way and I am still super intimidated, to this day. What I have done is found classes where I am literally told what to do and I am in a room away from all of those people. Bodypump or any other circuit training class your gym offers will work and aim to do it at least 3 times a week. I believe in circuit training because I see results faster than working out just one body part a day on the floor like the big boys do. Once you are in those classes you may find some girlfriends that like to work out on the floor and they will be kind enough to show you around. I have met a wonderful friend who works out with me now, she knows not to leave my side when we are by the boys and she gives me a great workout! I honestly could never walk into that area alone and just workout but classes will work if you do them enough, I promise!

    I agree!! Join the classes! I am lucky enough to have a gym located in my work building that offers circuit training classes of different varieties every week day during my lunch hour!! I love them!!! :)
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    i didnt finish reading after I figured out we were on the same side :drinker:

    Ditto LOL
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    O hells yeah! another one of these this morning just like yesterday morning!

    And the morning before that, and the morning before that, and....

    The Search feature is a wonderful thing!

    If there are so many of them, why are you using the search feature to find them? Please clarify. Furthermore, if you dont want to read about it, why did you click on the link? I'm just a bit confused with all the negativity, its unnecessary.

    not nearly as unnecessary as another cardio vs lifting thread. it's like arguing about religion or politics.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Even with thyroid crap...

    read that as thyroid gap. :drinker:
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    Copypasta from Huffington Post: :yawn:

    I'll keep doing what I'm doing and losing weight.

    The reason I did not post the link and, instead, copy and pasted, was because people, myself included, are often leary of clicking on links from strangers. Furthermore, I rather post the information than relying on others to go find it for themselves. But I did not claim to write this post, however, that does not make it less true.

    By not crediting the newspaper article, you pretty much did claim to write it. I mean, I assumed you wrote it.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    [If there are so many of them, why are you using the search feature to find them? Please clarify. Furthermore, if you dont want to read about it, why did you click on the link? I'm just a bit confused with all the negativity, its unnecessary.

    I'm not the one that needs to use the search feature. ;) This same article has been posted at least 6 times that I've seen, and I'm not even on this forum that often. It's not being negative, it's been factual.