Running - question

I was so proud of myself to begin my run clinic yesterday but it was a little harder than I anticipated. I have about 45 pounds to drop and am 48. It was only run one minute and walk two. The girl I was with was in her twenties and probably about 30 pounds or so overweight and was saying how it was so much easier than she thought it would be. While I kept up, I was surprised at just how difficult it was. And next week it is going to get harder.........I think I may have to drop this clinic and just keep running one minute and walking two for a couple of weeks or more before I increase. Did anyone else experience this and did you build your endurance quickly?


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Running is hard!! Congrats for making it through.
    Please don't compare yourself to others. I coach Learn to Run clinics (same idea) and everyone has different experiences. Some find it easier, others no so much.
    The other thing is - with running some days are great and you can run longer/faster than you could normally and other days you struggle to do half of what you normally do. Things like sleep, food, stress etc can all affect the run. She may have been having a good day when you weren't.
    I say don't give up. Stick with it. Every week my learn to runners would show up and tell me they didn't think they could do the workout. Every week, they did.
    Hang in there.