tea drinkers?

hot or iced, no sugar or sweetener, just plain ole black tea... I used to start and end my day with a tea, but since two kids and less sleep, I drink it alllll day long now. Not sure i can give up the caffeine and go all water, all the time. Anyone else kick the caffeine?


  • kristenleewarren
    i love tea :) but i am australian ;) i drink it in the morning with a wee bit of milk. its my only form of caffeine
  • veggieshark
    veggieshark Posts: 153 Member
    I don't feel a need to kick caffeine except it makes me shake sometimes. There's decaf tea! But cleansing with water for a while good be very good.
  • SpiritRockBernie
    You might not have as big a problem as you think you do. Try drinking water for a whole week and see if you get the headaches and other withdrawal symptoms that coffee drinkers get. I think because of the smaller caffeine content in tea as well as other substances in tea like theanine, it won't affect you as much.
  • Dani_Davies23
    I drink two cups of plain black tea in the mornings.
    From then on it's about a billion differnt versions of decaf tea.
    It's like drinking juice minus the calories.
    Oh, and you get the warm and fuzzy feeling from a good cuppa.
  • Girlygirl12712
    Girlygirl12712 Posts: 19 Member
    Couldn't give up tea there cud be worse things in the world to be addicted to :-P
  • Tawshan
    Tawshan Posts: 22 Member
    i drink 4 glasses of my lovely lovely turkish tea everyday. can't help it. with 2 sugars also :/ oops...
  • Kari0510
    Kari0510 Posts: 5 Member
    I just kicked caffeine about 6 months ago. It was the best decision I ever made. I was addicted to coffee. Drank it in the morning and right before bed. I noticed I was always tired so I started drinking a Monster about every other day. Then I noticed I just could not get up in the morning so I started drinking 5 hr Energies as well. Still I was struggle with bursts of energy and long crashes that most times left me useless so I decided to kick caffeine. I thought maybe I wasn't getting very good rest at night because of the caffeine. Once I quit I felt like a new a person!! I actually had more energy during the day than I did when I was sucking down all those caffeinated drinks. I can wake up in the morning, go strong all day long and can go to bed at a decent time now. I would highly recommend kicking caffeine to anyone! I have a lot of friends that just can't comprehend how I had more energy and are too afraid to kick their caffeine, but I swear by it! Try it out. FYI, I do drink decaf now and then so I still get my coffee fix when I want it. :))
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Nope, I drink a couple of cups a day, and coffee. Don't feel the need at this time to cut out caffeine.
  • Cowboyzfan82288
    Cowboyzfan82288 Posts: 161 Member
    I drink decaffeinated tea when I'm at home.
  • fionadasein
    fionadasein Posts: 165 Member
    Cheers to the awesomeness that is tea! Some studies suggest that green and black teas may have up to 10 times as much antioxidants as fruit and veg. The flavonoids (type of antioxidant) unique to tea have a detoxifying effect that helps reduce damage from free radicals, which can lead to heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

    Steep tea for 3 or more mins, or even leave the bag in to maximize antioxidant concentration.

    And it's essentially calorie-less.

    Now someone write a haiku ode to tea... :P
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    There's nothing wrong with drinking tea. It has tons on antioxidents and is great for your overall wellbeing. You just have to be careful how much sugar and cream you add. 1-2% milk is a great replacement for people who use half&half or heavy cream and is actually what was traditionally used for tea time (yes, they always said they were adding "cream" to their tea, but it was really just milk). Also, caffeine in reasonable amounts isn't bad for you and helps your body to burn calories. If you're worried about your caffeine intake though, I would suggest looking into rooibos (African red bush). It's caffeine free and won't turn bitter if you oversteep it.
  • sevin2
    sevin2 Posts: 19
    I always leave the tea bag in, and I'm a big fan of the flavenoids/antioxidants and virtual zero calories in tea also... and I don't use any milk/cream or sugar, so maybe it's not as a bad a habit as I thought... I gave up *diet* pop about a year ago to ditch all the aspartme, and I think that's when I started drinking more tea all day. I haven't jumped on the green tea bandwagon yet, maybe I should try it out for some variety, and drink some water, of course!
  • fionadasein
    fionadasein Posts: 165 Member
    There are a ton of differently flavoured green teas, all still zero cal. Toasted rice green tea is pretty epic, lemongrass...jasmine...and if you like sweet taste without the calories, pomegranate or other fruit flavoured green teas are lovely. :)
  • myyear13
    myyear13 Posts: 2 Member
    I have always loved tea! Next to a bath, it's the best way to relax. I've just returned how from a life-changing trio to India. While there, I wad fortunate enough to spend four luxurious days in the Taj Mahal Palace hotel in Mumbai, India. I realized while enjoying high tea, that Americans over steep their tea. Since being home, I now use the old-fashioned metal strainer with loose tea leaves and just pour the hot water over it. I also bought a beautiful tea cup and saucer to indulge my senses. It has been a beautiful little ritual that I have been starting my day with now

    Enjoy your tea!
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    The three days Ive been on here Ive cut down on gallons of tea whilst drinking more water! Have a vague headache which is
    withdrawal symtoms ha ha . Still having couple of cups that very little for me:happy:
  • kathykatkitty
    kathykatkitty Posts: 61 Member
    Always iced and half Earl Grey and half Peach with no sweetener of any kind. The peach makes it taste yummy. I go through a pitcher of it daily during the summer. Other wise I am a strick coffee drinker.
  • CGreen177
    CGreen177 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm your steroetypical Scottish tea drinker - wave the tea bag over the cup and save for later. More like drinking hot water really, Been drinking it weak and black for a while, along with waaay too much coffee, but switched to Red Bush a couple of years ago (which tastes like tea but is caffeine free, and also has loads of antioxidants). I still need my strong black coffee in the morning to get me going - but that's all the caffeine I get now. And then shedloads of tea during the day!
  • nicolamoonbrains
    nicolamoonbrains Posts: 72 Member
    I think drinking tea is a great addition to anyones diet but especially those trying to loose weight! My favorite tea to drink for weight loss is green tea but also pu erh tea which is a type of black tea. I just love it and have always lost more weight whilst drinking green tea daily then when I have not. I love it most after I have eaten a meal and feel full as it helps with that horrible full feeling! I NEVER sweeten my teas with sugar or sweeteners. I use organic honey as its more natural and I actually prefer the taste!

    I also find that tea drinking works great for suppressing the appetite. I drink red bush (rooibos) tea after 7pm as it naturally has no caffeine in it. Its a wonderful tea to try if you are trying to cut back on caffeine as you can make it just like ordinary tea (with milk and sugar, although I make mine with honey and rice milk) and it tastes so much better then decaf IMO! It is also packed with lots of anti oxidants. So when its late and I might start feeling a little hungry when I know its not a good time for eating I'll just brew some red bush tea and drink that and the hunger subsides nicely! You can buy it in any supermarket I buy the TICK TOCK rooiboos organic tea but I think tetleys do a red bush product also.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Drinking hojicha as I am writing this, yumm!
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I drink green tea a lot!! But I am American, so I like my coffee! :wink: