Anyone Tried Finding their Metabolic Profile

osram34 Posts: 54
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
whats up guys, ive been reading up on some tips and came acros this Metablic Profiling and read some pretty good stuff just wondering if you guys have heard of this and if its true that it helps....

I came across this free website that helps u determine your type, its probably not acurate at all but wanted some feedback:

Pain is for the Weak


  • Celestia
    Celestia Posts: 106 Member
    Its interesting for suggested I eat brains! LOL

    I did like that it gave you a percentage breakdown of macronutrients...Protein, Carbs, and Fat based on your profile.

    It kind of reminded me of an ayurvedic constitution analysis, which is pretty cool.

    Thanks for the link!
  • EmilyStrick
    EmilyStrick Posts: 267
    i'm supposed to eat a butt load of protein, virtually no grains, no sugar, and a lot of veggies. meat kinda grosses me out, but i could do eggs, cheese and's interesting...i may give it a try and just see how i feel!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    It basically told me to eat how I eat now. I was type 2 (protein). Although, I don't eat red meat, I do eat a lot of chicken, turkey and white fish.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    I've never been a fan of it as it's not supported in the scientific literature.

    The way I view diet is quite simple. At least when I'm speaking about it generally - when you get into specifics for each individual the water muddies slightly. But if I were to create a baseline, it'd look something like this:

    1. Calculate your TEE (total energy expenditure)

    2. Create a deficit based on #1. Generally 30% off of TEE is a good starting point but the more weight you have to lose, the greater the deficit you can tolerate.

    3. The foods that comprise said calories is obviously very important as well. Knowing this...

    4. Set protein at something like 1 gram per pound of estimated lean body mass. These should be coming primarily from lean sources such as fat free/low fat dairy (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese), eggs, chicken/turkey breast, lean ground beef, lean cuts of steak, fish, protein powder (if necessary), etc.

    5. Set fats at something like 25-30% ot total calories and most of these should be coming from healthy sources such as fish, fish oil pills, natural peanut butter, nuts, avocados, oils, etc.

    6. Fill in the remaining calories (from step 2) with carbs and/or more fats. People who tolerate carbs well will want to stick with primarily carbs in this step. Whole wheat/grain breads and pastas will work well here along with rice, yams, oats, etc. And for everyone, they should be getting as much fibrous veggies as they can. A moderate amount of fruit will go a long way too.

    That's the foundation I start with with most of my clients. Things are tweaked based on individual feedback from there. That might help some. If not, it's just me blowing hot air, lol!
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