Too Cheat, Or not too cheat that is my question

How many people agree with having a cheat day/meal?

How often do you have one?

I have read all different things how they are good to stop your metabolism down or breaking a plateau.

Some say 1 cheat meal

Some say a whole cheat day!!

Somesay cheat a little everyday

which one are you?

I was just curious what other peoples thoughts are on this.


  • Personally, I stick to a strict routine, that's the way my body functions and if I break the routine with a 'cheat' meal/day it doesn't end well. But others have reported it helps them so I guess it's about what works for you
  • jbird40
    jbird40 Posts: 10
    I half to say that I am a mono eater, I just find this to be the best for me with my schedule.. I eat the same thing for breakfast, and lunch every day, and pretty much dinner. But if I want something out of the norm I just have ½ of it.

    Depriving yourself just creates the mental idea that you want it more.
  • jayenomics
    jayenomics Posts: 46 Member
    I have a cheat meal/two meals (in one day) once every two weeks. Like others have said...if you deprive yourself you'll fail. I'll eat Pizza or fast food (I still stick to portion control though...I don't go freakin crazy), but it really helps.

    It doesn't hurt that I'm a great cook, and even when I'm eating healthy it's delicious. Haha
  • Koorii
    Koorii Posts: 65 Member
    In the past when I've dieted, I would have pizza for dinner on Sundays, because I love the hell out of pizza. I've read the same things you have about it being good for you to cheat sometimes. I've never been on a diet long enough to see if it works, but now that I've discovered MFP I should be able to.

    I am also a mono eater, mainly because it is easier to prepare meals for a few days (since I hate cooking). But like I said, every Sunday I'll have some pizza.
  • jms1985
    jms1985 Posts: 58 Member
    I agree that it's important to have a cheat meal now & then so as not to go crazy. Let yourself splurge once in awhile... HOWEVER... don't cheat on MFP! You should still log it, no matter how bad it was! That way, you can really look at it & think to yourself...was it worth it? I know if I don't have something "bad" for me every now & then, that I will fall off the deep end and gain it ALL back lol SO - every once in awhile, it's okay to splurge. But track it :)

    That being said.... I usually take Sunday's off from tracking, but I don't "let myself go". I still eat normal, I just don't track. I've used way too many "quotes" in this post lol :)
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I don't really go in on the whole "cheat" idea. I'm changing the way I eat which means much healthier most of the time. This isn't a "diet" it's a new way of living which means there are no "cheats". It's all available whenever I want it and I make adjustments with the rest of my food or exercise. If I truly am going to go wild and am having a night out with chinese or pizza or whatever I just do it because I know that it's just one meal and I don't eat like that 99% of the time any more. I still don't throw the towel in, though, and eat the worst deep fried, cheese coated meal but make a somewhat healther choice from the options and enjoy.

    You don't have to go crazy in order to have a so called "cheat" food. For example, today a co-worker brought in these tasty rice krispy treats with peanut butter cups, chocolate and butterscotch. I had one...a small one. I didn't hesitate. It will be part of my calorie intake for the day. I'm trying to change my lifestyle so if that means the weight comes off slower then I am fine with it. Drastic changes don't work for me. I want this to be the last time I have to loose a significant amount of weight.
  • onceuponadream
    onceuponadream Posts: 13 Member
    I have a cheat day every week...typically Saturday or Sunday. Heck sometimes both :) I dont go overboard though...usually just a little over my limit. I do still track what I eat (and log it in here) no matter how bad it was... so I can reflect back on it. It sort of keeps me sane, helps me to not feel deprived etc. :) Of course, everyone is different and what works for some just wont work for others.
  • nack_23
    nack_23 Posts: 154
    Cheat meals are just fine. As long as it is in moderation. 1 cheat meal a week
  • Stop using the word "Cheat." I hate that word. This is a LIFESTYLE not a yo-yo diet. Unless that's what it really is for you, then by all means, have a cheat day!
  • I don't really go in on the whole "cheat" idea. I'm changing the way I eat which means much healthier most of the time. This isn't a "diet" it's a new way of living which means there are no "cheats". It's all available whenever I want it and I make adjustments with the rest of my food or exercise. If I truly am going to go wild and am having a night out with chinese or pizza or whatever I just do it because I know that it's just one meal and I don't eat like that 99% of the time any more. I still don't throw the towel in, though, and eat the worst deep fried, cheese coated meal but make a somewhat healther choice from the options and enjoy.

    You don't have to go crazy in order to have a so called "cheat" food. For example, today a co-worker brought in these tasty rice krispy treats with peanut butter cups, chocolate and butterscotch. I had one...a small one. I didn't hesitate. It will be part of my calorie intake for the day. I'm trying to change my lifestyle so if that means the weight comes off slower then I am fine with it. Drastic changes don't work for me. I want this to be the last time I have to loose a significant amount of weight.

  • tweishap
    tweishap Posts: 10 Member
    Just wanted to say I believe in this philosophy! Being a lifestyle change means to choose whether to indulge or not --if you choose it gets rolled into total intake for the day and its a special treat not a cheating meal. I had a month of cheating and I gained alot of weight so the whole nix a day or meal for me will NOT work and I pay for it later. Better to stay on track and healthy.
    I don't really go in on the whole "cheat" idea. I'm changing the way I eat which means much healthier most of the time. This isn't a "diet" it's a new way of living which means there are no "cheats". It's all available whenever I want it and I make adjustments with the rest of my food or exercise. If I truly am going to go wild and am having a night out with chinese or pizza or whatever I just do it because I know that it's just one meal and I don't eat like that 99% of the time any more. I still don't throw the towel in, though, and eat the worst deep fried, cheese coated meal but make a somewhat healther choice from the options and enjoy.

    You don't have to go crazy in order to have a so called "cheat" food. For example, today a co-worker brought in these tasty rice krispy treats with peanut butter cups, chocolate and butterscotch. I had one...a small one. I didn't hesitate. It will be part of my calorie intake for the day. I'm trying to change my lifestyle so if that means the weight comes off slower then I am fine with it. Drastic changes don't work for me. I want this to be the last time I have to loose a significant amount of weight.
  • I don't really go in on the whole "cheat" idea. I'm changing the way I eat which means much healthier most of the time. This isn't a "diet" it's a new way of living which means there are no "cheats". It's all available whenever I want it and I make adjustments with the rest of my food or exercise. If I truly am going to go wild and am having a night out with chinese or pizza or whatever I just do it because I know that it's just one meal and I don't eat like that 99% of the time any more. I still don't throw the towel in, though, and eat the worst deep fried, cheese coated meal but make a somewhat healther choice from the options and enjoy.

    You don't have to go crazy in order to have a so called "cheat" food. For example, today a co-worker brought in these tasty rice krispy treats with peanut butter cups, chocolate and butterscotch. I had one...a small one. I didn't hesitate. It will be part of my calorie intake for the day. I'm trying to change my lifestyle so if that means the weight comes off slower then I am fine with it. Drastic changes don't work for me. I want this to be the last time I have to loose a significant amount of weight.

  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Every Friday, I don't log calories AT ALL and eat whatever I want.

    Works for *me*.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I cheat weekly - usually on Fridays, and I eat like a government mule with no care for calories, macro nutrition or anything.
    Life is to be lived:drinker:
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Never cheat. At anything, on anything, ever.

    Now, if your diet includes a reasonable amount of indulgence from time to time, that sounds like a good component of a healthy diet! But never cheating. Cheating is bad, mmkay?
  • wcso911mn
    wcso911mn Posts: 68 Member
    I don't really go in on the whole "cheat" idea. I'm changing the way I eat which means much healthier most of the time. This isn't a "diet" it's a new way of living which means there are no "cheats". It's all available whenever I want it and I make adjustments with the rest of my food or exercise. If I truly am going to go wild and am having a night out with chinese or pizza or whatever I just do it because I know that it's just one meal and I don't eat like that 99% of the time any more. I still don't throw the towel in, though, and eat the worst deep fried, cheese coated meal but make a somewhat healther choice from the options and enjoy.

    You don't have to go crazy in order to have a so called "cheat" food. For example, today a co-worker brought in these tasty rice krispy treats with peanut butter cups, chocolate and butterscotch. I had one...a small one. I didn't hesitate. It will be part of my calorie intake for the day. I'm trying to change my lifestyle so if that means the weight comes off slower then I am fine with it. Drastic changes don't work for me. I want this to be the last time I have to loose a significant amount of weight.

    This is what I do as well. I'm changing the way I eat - I'm not on a diet. This is a life-changing thing for me (permanent), whereas a diet is temporary. During the Christmas holidays, I allowed myself some of the sweet treats, but didn't go overboard (like I've done in the past). I found that what works for me it to allow myself to have "some" of whatever it is I'm craving. That way, I've satisified my craving and I don't go totally off the reservation and just stuff myself with a bag of Oreos.

  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    If you believe in moderation, you don't need to label anything as a 'cheat'
  • jwettenstein
    jwettenstein Posts: 1 Member
    I don't cheat, because I already record what I eat. It's only cheating if you eat something and don't record it, because you aren't holding yourself accountable. If you eat more, and you consequently see your weight fluctuate up, then you'll know exactly why.
  • Hell, I "cheat" every day! Actually, I just budget for cookies or whatever in my daily eating plan. It's easier to stick with a lifestyle change that way.
  • I don't really go in on the whole "cheat" idea. I'm changing the way I eat which means much healthier most of the time. This isn't a "diet" it's a new way of living which means there are no "cheats". It's all available whenever I want it and I make adjustments with the rest of my food or exercise. If I truly am going to go wild and am having a night out with chinese or pizza or whatever I just do it because I know that it's just one meal and I don't eat like that 99% of the time any more. I still don't throw the towel in, though, and eat the worst deep fried, cheese coated meal but make a somewhat healther choice from the options and enjoy.

    You don't have to go crazy in order to have a so called "cheat" food. For example, today a co-worker brought in these tasty rice krispy treats with peanut butter cups, chocolate and butterscotch. I had one...a small one. I didn't hesitate. It will be part of my calorie intake for the day. I'm trying to change my lifestyle so if that means the weight comes off slower then I am fine with it. Drastic changes don't work for me. I want this to be the last time I have to loose a significant amount of weight.


    I too feel like this. Its hard to diet and I refuse to limit myself. Its all about moderation.