First ever post, and one hell of a rough realization



  • funnygirlt
    funnygirlt Posts: 23 Member
    Hi--I remember that feeling well !! Welcome to a group that truly understands and is there to support you! You deserve great health and to feel good about yourself !!

    This is the year to make some positive changes---let the games begin

  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    Lunchtime might be your big window of opportunity. When I was working fulltime I would just put on my tennies and head straight out the door, set a time on my phone for 15 minutes, walk fast and turn around when the time binged. Then I'd eat my lunch.

    Lunch hour might be too pressured to actually get to the gym, change, workout, clean up and change again, get back to work... especially if you work in a workaholic environment like I did. (I got frowned on for taking my 30 min. walks...)

    Can you get a good friend to take some childcare burden off of you a few times a week? Maybe after you feed your son supper, you could get to the gym? Maybe a timeshare agreement? Like, I'll take care of Johnny for a couple eve hrs MWF this week and TTH next week if you'll take care of Jimmy TTH this week and MWF next week?

    You have a lot on your plate, you're gonna have to get creative if you really want this.

    But your eating. Your eating YOU can CONTROL. Go do it. You know you want to! Wishing you all success.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I understand what you are going through. I am a single mother to two kids and work a full time job. It is difficult finding time to work out but fortunatly I live in a house and am able to do workouts whenever my kids allow. Feel free to add me for support.
  • Karen64Lynn
    Karen64Lynn Posts: 32 Member
    I have 3 kids and work close to full time. After work I am too tired and too busy with dinner and the kids to exercise. I go to they gym every morning (mon - fri) at 5:00 am. No excuses - I schedule it into my day just like any other appointment. My gym opens at 4 am and there are times when I am walking in the door that people are walking out. When you exercise first thing in the morning there are no excuses later in the day to not exercise. Even if it is only for 30 minutes you will feel so much better if you get some exercise in every day! Good luck!
  • kelemurphy
    kelemurphy Posts: 4 Member
    Relax , your fine ! ! If you didn't drop the pounds in the first place you would be up even more ! . You are back on task.
    GYM!!! you don't need a gym ! you have a 5 year old ! 30 min activity with your son is so much better then any gym can offer . It is a great way to be active ! spend time with your son and also teach him the value of being active !!!!! set up a schedule for the week on Sunday what you would like to do for the week. The Park . Play Wii ( NOT A SITTING DOWM GAME ), go for a walk, play road hockey, the list is endless. Good Luck ! you can do it !!:flowerforyou:
  • jayecrist
    New to the message boards but not new to these challenges, and they never stop being challenges, I have learned that. I haven't been consistent, or dedicated, or focused, or accountable, and I think it's because I haven't had support beyond the walls of my home and family. I love them and they care, but we do tend to enable and commiserate, and it seems harder sometimes to "see" those things with those close to you. You CAN do it, you did it before, and you CAN stick to it. You have already started. Chers to you!
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I work out on my lunch break at a gym nearby. This might work for you?

    I live in Brooklyn and work in Manhattan...well known fact about NYC, it's EXPENSIVE. A gym near work coast 3x what my gym in my neighborhood costs, but I definitely looked into it. When the weather warms up, I'm going to go back to spending my lunch hour walking, which is what I did last year (every little bit counts, right?)
  • missmeliss97
    You're story is mine too. Thanks for sharing it feels good to know I am not alone. One thing that I realized today is that I didn't get to the weight that I am overnight and I need to stop beating myself up for not reaching my goals. I need to celebrate the positives, the babysteps along the way. So, I might get to my goal in 3-4 months it might take a year but I will get there. You should celebrate the fact that you noticed that you need to get back on track & you made contact with people on MFP that share your goals. That's a babystep in the right direction :)
    Simply- If its important to you, the task will get done. :smile:
  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    have you tried going to the gym in the morning before work? May be a bit easier.

    I would LOVE to, but my son has to be at school at 8am, and I start work at 830a, and there is no daycare before 11am.
    I've tried working out at home early in the morning, but my downstairs neighbors very politely said this was an issue. They have a 2 year old so i can see how me jumping, lounging, skipping at 5am is an issue.

    There are many workouts you can do with freeweights without the jumping around. My trainer had me do a series of lunges, squats, arm and ab workouts, none of which included jumping or any other movement that would shake the floor or make noise. My kids would even join in with me and mimic my actions (without the weights of course).
  • SWiel84
    SWiel84 Posts: 43
    Best of luck getting back into it!!!!!!!!!
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    Relax , your fine ! ! If you didn't drop the pounds in the first place you would be up even more ! . You are back on task.
    GYM!!! you don't need a gym ! you have a 5 year old ! 30 min activity with your son is so much better then any gym can offer . It is a great way to be active ! spend time with your son and also teach him the value of being active !!!!! set up a schedule for the week on Sunday what you would like to do for the week. The Park . Play Wii ( NOT A SITTING DOWM GAME ), go for a walk, play road hockey, the list is endless. Good Luck ! you can do it !!:flowerforyou:

    THIS is a great idea. We go to the park all the time, but I usually let him play on the playground and hang out near by. I'm going to plan this out and even share the Wii Fit and play together. The only time we are active together is when we go ice skating :/
  • SoulReckoning
    SoulReckoning Posts: 48 Member
    I've seen and surpassed the 200lb mark as well. It's an anvil on your head with no warning because I swear it comes out of no where. I don't have kids, but I'm at a place in my life where I am up and out the door before the sun rises and I don't get home till after it's dark. And there's no way I could go at lunch, it's too hectic. Then when you get home, there's dinner, household chores, laundray. Who has time to work out when all this has to be done before you can go to bed. And they tell you to make sure you get 7-8 hours of beauty sleep because lack of sleep is another weight gainer. matter what kind of excuse we tell ourselves, others have done it with just as much going on so why can't we?!?!?!

    I wanted to do a beachbody work out set. I have both P90X & TurboFire. But both require like a 6-7 day committment of +/-1 hour. So, I'm going to start working out with BodyRock.TV...they do HIIT training and most of their workouts are about 12 minuets long. It's better than nothing, requires little equipment (if you don't have what they have, alot of times you can use something else around the household), adn it's ONLY 12 MINUTES!!!!! I've done a few of their exercises before, and they've redesigned their website and workouts. They have a new set of workouts now called BodyRock Lite, for beginners.
  • CandyDiehardBAMF
    CandyDiehardBAMF Posts: 41 Member
    When I first started out, I lost on calorie counting alone, then added in working out. Maybe start there? Is it not okay at all to work out at home? If you can later on, I know my 10 year old got a kick out of watching me work out, I don't see how a 5 year old wouldn't find it even more amusing lol.. And you would set a good example =) Even if the two of you took a stroller to a mall or park, that is also good for you, walking... where there is a will there's a way! I started working out in an area that maybe had 1 ft of space around a exercise mat and would quick pull it down for crunches with Jillian and toss it aside when not needed.

    And like others have said, parking further away, taking stairs, sneaking in little moments of activity will add up =)

    I wish you the best of luck =)
  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    have you tried going to the gym in the morning before work? May be a bit easier.

    I would LOVE to, but my son has to be at school at 8am, and I start work at 830a, and there is no daycare before 11am.
    I've tried working out at home early in the morning, but my downstairs neighbors very politely said this was an issue. They have a 2 year old so i can see how me jumping, lounging, skipping at 5am is an issue.

    Not sure if anyone has suggested this or not. But you could get and elliptical or treadmill for your house that way you can get in cardio and then also do some strength training from videos. You can find used ellipticals and treadmills on Craigslist. If you don't have that much room in the house maybe you could get one that folds up so that it doesn't take up that much space.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    You are a seriously beautiful girl. Would you judge any of us as harshly as you just did yourself? You did it once, and will do it again and with more wisdom. At your age, you might be able to cut calories only and just take walks with your son and lose slowly. I found that the week of:happy: your cycle, you use more calories so if you stay the course that week it will bump up the monthly loss. Not easy though when you're jonesing for salty foods. Good luck!
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    walk on your lunch hour and get Wii Dance!! So much fun to do with the kids and a great cardio workout to great music. Your original post brought tears to my eyes as I feel your discouragement. Don't give up. Just do it and keep your goals in mind. That's what I'm trying to do every single day.
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    It is difficult and I two have put back on some weight. I am now waking up extremely early to either go for a run or to a gym. I do squats whenever I can squeeze them in... Honestly pack lunches. It will rock your world in making a difference!
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    this suxk but some days is the only things that i can do: work out at home in the am dvds. totally sucks but worth it.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Want to try something radical that doesnt require hours and hours at the gym? Try eating Paleo style. I, like you, have struggled with losing weight, lose gain, lose gain and I'm sitting at 300+ lbs. But over Christmas break, I read Robb Wolfs book Paleo diet and Mark Sissons Primal Blueprint and something just registered with me. Its all about how to make your body burn fat for energy. there are going to be haters that flame this post of course because they probably dont understand the science behind it or wont learn.. but I can tell you this.. and you can see it on my ticker... I started Paleo on 1 Jan 2013, in 7 days I've lose 9.6 lbs.. and all I've done for workouts is walk for 30 minutes 3 times a week on my lunch. I'm not sold yet.. but I cant argue with the results..