Starving and weak



  • ninamaxine
    Wow, I'm so grateful for all these thoughtful answers. jlb123, I do think I'll up the water and maybe try to front load the protein. I looked back and I've been getting 75-100g on a 1200 net calorie diet, but mornings seem a lot harder than the rest of the day.

    And I didn't know I could change those settings - thanks!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Maybe try to bump the protein even more? When I start getting down into 75g territory is when I really start to notice the tired weak feeling. On days that I run, I try to make 100g protein my bare minimum.

    Also a thought would be, are you getting enough iron? Because tired & weak are 2 huge symptoms of anemia (which I have also struggled with in the past).
  • ninamaxine
    I just took a look at my iron for the first time yesterday and wasn't getting anywhere near enough. I hadn't really made the connection with how I'm feeling though. Thanks! I've had doctors use the words 'borderline anemic' too. It sounds like we have a similar set of issues and you've really got them figured out.

    And I'll definitely try to keep the protein at 100g or more and see how that goes.
  • jrr7
    jrr7 Posts: 12 Member
    Water DOES help! I may be about to give in to some Crystal Light too (I normally don't have fake sugar either).

    Crystal Light just came out with a new product called "Pure Fitness" that is all natural. No fake sugar or anything else fake and it is only 15 calories. I think it's pretty good, you may want to try that.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    I am eating 125-150 g. protein per day and it has helped (althought I weigh more than you!) Lots of veggies and lots of water.
    not been hungry since. I also eat every 2-3 hours and front load on the day (I exercise at 5:30 a.m.) I am literally famished by 11:30 am
    if I am hungry, EAT!:flowerforyou:
  • STAR504
    STAR504 Posts: 3
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Here is a link that might be of interest, it tells how many calories a day you need to maintain your weight (at your curent stats).
    I entered your stats, 5 ft. 0 inches, 130 pounds, female, 35 years, and guessed "light activity". It says you need 1662 calories a day to maintain your current weight.

    To lose a pound of weight, you need a 3500 calorie deficit. You said you wanted to lose1/2 pound a week. 1/2 pound = a 1750 calorie deficit. Divide the 1750 by 7 days, and that is just a 250 calorie deficit per day. In other words, if you only consume 1412 calories a day, you should lose 1/2 pound a week. [Of course, you can either eat less to accumulate those 250 calories per day, or add in extra exercise to burn off 250 calories per day]. These are just the estimated figures that come up when I plugged in numbers, your actual stats might be different.

    But my point is, eating (or exercising off) 250 calories less per day should not be making you feel "starving and weak". Perhaps your medical condition has something to do with it, you should check with your doctor. But, otherwise, I wonder if you are using the food logging properly, and accurately putting in everything you eat, so that you are getting a true picture of your calorie consumption. Something is not making sense here, 250 calories should not be THAT noticable, especially when it still leaves you 1412 calories per day.

    Good luck. You can succeed! Now it is just trying to figure out what is wrong with your calculations (or your health issues), so that you can find the path to your goal.
  • weezy8150
    weezy8150 Posts: 21
    Too many grains make me sluggish....oatmeal with toast or bagel makes me very I add in protein and lots of fruit instead and stay peppy. I would prefer bagels and oatmeal and then a nice whole grain sandwich at lunch, but then I get carb overload which slows me way down. Try limiting the grains and upping the protein, lots of veggies, and fruits that are filling. I was always starving, and hitting the canteen machines at work, and now bring lots of fruits/veggies, and high protein slimfast meal bars which are sweet but nutritious. (salty chocolate almond is just like a soft brownie).
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    It looks like we all go through this - thanks so much, all. Unfortunately, I still think there is something wrong with me:

    Large(r) breakfast, check
    Whole grains, check
    B vitamins, check (though no multi - will add that)
    Snacks, check
    Just sticking with it . . . working on it! :happy:

    Sometimes I find myself working out a second time in a day just to earn more calories (I eat ALL my workout calories so far).

    Sound Like PMS to me. :flowerforyou: I'm always starving during this time... Like right now! :laugh:
  • ninamaxine
    Spicy618, I think (hope) you're on to something. :tongue: Maybe it's just a poor choice of time to start dieting!
  • ninamaxine
    Oh, and deedeehawaii - you couldn't be more right, this should NOT be this hard! Especially for someone who genuinely likes healthy foods. I imagine it's related to why I have the extra 10 lbs. in the first place. And probably why the rest of my family (who do not live in the city and have to drive everywhere) is obese.
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Oh, and deedeehawaii - you couldn't be more right, this should NOT be this hard! Especially for someone who genuinely likes healthy foods. I imagine it's related to why I have the extra 10 lbs. in the first place. And probably why the rest of my family (who do not live in the city and have to drive everywhere) is obese.
    And, the closer to the goal weight, the slower the progress. That makes those last few pounds seem to drag on forever [insert my name here, ha]. Because the less you weigh, the less calories it takes to just maintain weight. That leaves little room for working in a calorie deficit.
    You will do good, you have shown interest in figuring out what you can improve or change, and that will get you to your goal. :)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I can make it to lunch if I have protein in the morning. I usually have an egg, 1/2 a slice of cheese, and a piece of turkey bacon on a sandwich thin for breakfast and it really helps get me to lunch.
    I did notice that I was hungry every two hours when I first started. I drank alot of water and tried to make sure I had enough protein. As time went on I did feel better and felt more full on the food I ate. Try adjusting things around and eat alot of low cal, low fat foods. I made some minor changes that made all the difference in what I could eat and how I felt. Now I feel like I'm eating all of the time. Salad with low cal dressing is really filling with very little in the way of calories. I used to add a small side salad to my lunch every day. Good luck and if you're really feeling bad, you might ask your doctor for some guidance.
  • mdeguzman
    mdeguzman Posts: 35
    Water DOES help! I may be about to give in to some Crystal Light too (I normally don't have fake sugar either).

    Crystal Light just came out with a new product called "Pure Fitness" that is all natural. No fake sugar or anything else fake and it is only 15 calories. I think it's pretty good, you may want to try that.
  • mdeguzman
    mdeguzman Posts: 35
    Water DOES help! I may be about to give in to some Crystal Light too (I normally don't have fake sugar either).

    Crystal Light just came out with a new product called "Pure Fitness" that is all natural. No fake sugar or anything else fake and it is only 15 calories. I think it's pretty good, you may want to try that.
    I am so glad you said that . I am allergic to aspertame so I normally avoid all of those drinks. It will be nice to be able to change it up once and a while
  • BombolinaM
    BombolinaM Posts: 561 Member
    You biggest meals for the day should be breakfast and lunch. Then a light dinner. I have same problem. I think it's adjusting to a lower calorie count. I feel better some days than others. But I am happy I am losing weight. Keep it up.