Should I do Insanity?

So I have been inspired by many of the posts of people starting Insanity. I am in relatively decent shape and work out regularly. I generally do 40-60 minutes a day on the elipitical and try to play racketball at least once a week (not very competitively). At 5' 9" and 167 pounds, I am trying to drop 5-7 pounds to get to my goal weight (I have dropped ~4 pounds since watching calories on MFP month ago). However, my primary goal is to build strength and definition. I guess my question is, for those that have completed the program, would someone like me be cabable of completing the Insanity program? It looks very challenging (which I am up for), but I also wonder if I have the baseline level of strength and conditioning to attack it. Is it worth starting with something more basic, or jumping right in?

Also, from a logistical perspective, my apartment has hardwood floors. Is Insanity condusive to that environment? Do I need to get a mat?

Thanks in advance for the advice.


  • mlondon8509
    mlondon8509 Posts: 28 Member
    Realized this should be in a different section, not Success Stories. Sorry, not sure how to move it though...
  • Dee_30
    Dee_30 Posts: 1
    I really enjoyed the results from the Insanity Program! I lost 7lbs the first week! By the end of the program my endurance was so much higher. It helped me to prepare for a half marathon I was training for and I complete with a better time than I originally anticipated. It is definately worth the investment. I highly recommend it! :)
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I am doing insanity right could definately do it. There is one workout that you could use a yoga mat for, but I'm through the first week and haven't used anything other than the mat.The workouts are continuous circuits. You will definately build stength. I am training for a half marathon in May, and I'm hoping this will help (as well as get rid of my "holiday" pounds). If you check you tube, there are some video examples of people doing the workout that might help you make up your mind.
  • mlondon8509
    mlondon8509 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks. Helpfull feedback.
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