Changing Habits, what have you done?

This is my first ever post also, and I am fed up. worked really hard up until xmas lost 5 KG and then I slipped a disc at L4, so my normal exercise routine is off for the mo.

So I am looking into the science of motivation, cognitive behaviour and how our environment can be altered for a long term goal.

So the steps I am taking are:
Leaving my wallet at home so I don’t buy snacks from the newsagent while going to work
Doing the weekly shop online, so I don’t get tempted to eat high carb foods while shopping
Have music videos playing in the background (for me it is looking at the happy go, lucky go individuals, and saying to myself…I can be like that)
Educating the children not to eat too many sweets and getting the wife not to cave into their demands. (Less sweets and junk food i the house the less temptation)

One other item I am exploring is “Every Other Day Fasting” it was on a BBC Horizon programme . Seems the benefits are not just physical, but cognitive functions also improve.

Current weight is 90KG I need to get under 80KG for medical reasons. (Loosing 10KG sounds easy, but I have been trying on and off for the last year)

It will be interesting to see how other have tried to change their environment and how successful they were?