my food list

ok so i have my food list all made out and i was just wondering if this sounds good or if i should change and thing?plus im open for suggestions.
1.low fat cottage cheese
2.salad mix
3.low fat zesty itallian dressing and low fat ranch dressing
4.plain greek yogurt
5.chocolate protein shake powder
6.fruit [apples,strawberrys,kiwis,grapes,watermelon]
7.veggies [frozen]
8.low fat milk
9.whole grain bread
10.i cant believe its not butter
11.extra virgin olive oil
12.speacial k cerial and frosted mini wheats
13.lean ground beef bone-less chicken breast
15 turkey bacon
16.oat meal tea
18.stevia sweetener
19.v8 fruit juice

so does this sound ok?any changes?or suggestions?


  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    You could add brown rice and beans and pulses filling and nutritious:)