Newbie army wife

I'd REALLY like to lose this weight. I have absolutely NO clothes that fit. I wear yoga pants all the time. I look at my closet and see all my clothes that used to fit hanging there. I just want to cry.
I had my son almost a year ago and its been so hard to even think about losing the weight. I still havent lost the weight from my daughters pregnancy and shes almost 3. Im just so frustrated.

I just started GNC's lean shakes. We'll see where that goes. Anyone else do those shakes and get results?

And on top of everything- My husband ships off to basic in july for the army. I'd like to be down 30 pounds by september. Do you think its possible? I just want him to see me and be like " WOW, thats my wife" to all his new army buddies.
I really need a support system. Im trying to support my husband so much, sometimes i forget about myself.
Could someone add me as a friend?
Thanks :)
