Eating your exercise calories back

Ok I want to know from those that have been successful on this site, if you have been eating your 1200 calories and then your exercise calories back? I have read so MUCH conflicting info it seems everywhere. Do I want to lose weight? YES. Would I like to lose 2 lbs a week? YES. But heres the kicker, I want to do it the healthy way. So I am honestly asking if you were successful eating all those calories back?


  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    I always eat my calories back if I need to.

    My view is you should eat them back but of course not for the sake of it.
  • kezell83
    kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
    Well I really think that it would probably be easier for me to stick to, since 1200 calories in and I still feel like I am starving, I just really want to do it healthy. I went on pills and didnt hardly eat at all ad lost weight , (when I was 16, 14 years ago) but I definately do not want to go that route again. I want abs dadgumit!!! lol
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    Eat them hun. You have worked out and your body need fuel. You should absolutely eat the calories back which is why MFP will deduct them when you add your exercise :)

    Good luck on your loss, 7lb so far is great.

    Feel free to add me, i'm pretty new round here myself x
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Eat them back. That's how MFP is designed to work. If you still find that you are always hungry, then try to lose only 1 or 1.5 pounds per week.
  • kezell83
    kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you both!!!