Beautiful Blues 3/2/10



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    tttthumper - no worries!! I appreciate input of any kind. :flowerforyou: I am continuing to take them but not feeling much more than a coffee boost from them.

    chrissy - Glad to hear I'm not the only one trying to mix things up a bit!

    I've ate from 1230-1240 calories all week this week, except for one night when I went WAY overboard by around 1000 calories. Yesterday, I was under by about 300 calories because I wasn't feeling well. But, when I stepped on the scale this morning ... I was up one pound. I don't understand. :ohwell: I did not exercise this week to give my body a break, but next week I will be back at it for sure... I am going to the beach in June and using that as a goal to lose 20 more pounds. I have 15 weeks for that goal.

    FLUCTUATION is a BEAST! I don't count it if I know I am doing what I am supposed to-take that scale!
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    FLUCTUATION is a BEAST! I don't count it if I know I am doing what I am supposed to-take that scale!

    Isn't that the truth! I'm trying to change my thinking so I can see it that way, lol, it's hard for sure! I'm all about having a plan, sticking to the plan and seeing results. I don't know why I falter sometimes ... and I don't know why when I'm on track the majority of the time, I don't see the results I want!

    But, I am trying something new this weekend. Typically, I will splurge on Saturdays by going out to dinner with my boyfriend. We eat ... a LOT. And by Monday I'm bloated, feel icky and spend the week trying to work that feeling off. This weekend, I'm going to eat healthier. We're still going out to dinner, but instead of the Chinese buffet, we're going to Applebee's and I'm having one of their "Less than 550 calories" meals, which I've already worked into my plan for tomorrow!

    Happy Friday, Blues!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    HI everyone

    tthumper- Thanks, I will check out that website. Hope you have a good workout.

    Debnu- Wow your property sale is moving pretty fast. I wish you a safe and speedy move.

    I'm done with homework from school and am so relieved. Next week I have a break from school and it's also my recovery week for Insanity. I think I'll wake up early and head to the gym for a short run so that I can continue to train my body to run longer each time. In a few minutes I'm going to do Insanity Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs.

    Take care all, and Dig Deeper!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    lcorrell - Your problem is throw away that scale. All it does is stress you out.
    Use measurements.
    Use the clothes that are now loose on you.
    Use the fact that you can lift more, or do exercise longer than you did before.

    You mentioned about making a plan and not seeing results.
    What kind of results are you expecting to see? if your goals are too far, you might be setting yourself up for not meeting them. Start off with smaller goals?

    Keep on track. If your doing it right it will happen. It takes time sometimes. If you falter, get back on track. Alot of people have screwed up, and because they think they screwed up, they say... "ahhh screw it, I already screwed my day up, I'll just go have this or that".

    It's the choices we make. Make good choices for your body, and you will see results.

    Off to do Kenpo X.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    ttthumper- Yeah, the scale can be so discouraging. I started Insanity and am now on week 4 and I've read here on the forum that when you start a new workout routine your body goes into shock and actually gains weight to build up the muscle. I gained a few pounds and the old me would be freaking out, but I see my body changing. The weight is now coming down and I'm so excited after waiting patiently for like 2 weeks. I'm going to be super good this weekend, so that the weight continues coming off. Besides that, I feel skinnier, toner, and just great. Patience is really important when starting a new workout routine. Enjoy your KenpoX.

    Do your best and forget the rest, people!!!
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    lcorrell - Your problem is throw away that scale. All it does is stress you out.
    Use measurements.
    Use the clothes that are now loose on you.
    Use the fact that you can lift more, or do exercise longer than you did before.

    You mentioned about making a plan and not seeing results.
    What kind of results are you expecting to see? if your goals are too far, you might be setting yourself up for not meeting them. Start off with smaller goals?

    Keep on track. If your doing it right it will happen. It takes time sometimes. If you falter, get back on track. Alot of people have screwed up, and because they think they screwed up, they say... "ahhh screw it, I already screwed my day up, I'll just go have this or that".

    It's the choices we make. Make good choices for your body, and you will see results.

    Off to do Kenpo X.

    I would throw away the scale, but I'm doing Weight Watchers at Work and am a little obligated to weigh in, lol. It feels like it helps keep me accountable. And honest. But, really, I have no earthly idea how to use their points system because I :heart: MFP so much. :laugh:

    I keep expecting everything to be black and white with weight loss and I'm having a hard time figuring out that it's not. Everything in my life operates on a plan and a deadline. At work, if I do my job, get things done by deadlines, I get the expected praise and feeling of accomplishment. Losing weight is different. I can stick to the plan completely one week and gain a pound, or I can go off track the next week and lose two. It's perplexing, lol

    So ... that said ... I've got a new plan: Stick to the plan! Like you said, I'm bound to start seeing results. It's just a matter of time. I made a deal with my boyfriend this morning ... we can still eat out on Saturday night's, but we have to go somewhere I can get something healthy that fits into my calories for the day. No more HUGE splurges EVERY weekend.

    I'm at work right now ... on a Saturday .. ugh! But, I've already planned my meals for the day. This morning I had to grab something quick, so I've eaten a Pria Mint Chocolate bar and drank a coffee. For a snack, I'll have another Pria. Then a 6 inch turkey sub. Another Pria for a snack (I have three left and wanted to use them up today, lol). And the Spicy Shrimp Diavolo (under 550 cals) from Applebee's tonight. Yum!! Maybe this will be one Saturday night I'm not in a food coma after dinner, lol

    Hope you guys have a great weekend!!!! I'm going to try to check back in sometime tomorrow, too. I've already planned that day out, too! IHOP For Me Spinach Omelette in the morning, then Sweet & Sour Shrimp with veggies and brown rice for lunch and dinner (268 per serving of the Sweet & Sour Shrimp with veggies and 150 per serving for the brown rice).
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I got in late tonight after a baby shower. I'm really proud of myself because I stuck to my food diary pretty good. Today I did Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit & cardio Abs. Tomorrow I plan on going to the gym and running in the treadmill and doing some weights and the elliptical.

    Have a good day all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Sorry I have been so MIA! We closed on the new house on Friday--10 days from the time they accepted our offer. Talk about fast. We also listed our house on Tuesday, and it went under contract on Saturday. It has been a crazy week. Hopefully my weight hasn't soared too far up because I honestly have not had a chance to think about anything. We have been appliance shopping because the people buying our house want the washer and dryer and fridge--lucky me. I have an excuse to start fresh. :bigsmile:

    I don't know when our move date is yet because my husband has too much going on this next week. It's going to be crazy!!

    Keep up the great work everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Debnu- That sounds so exciting!!!! Take care of yourself and your family and hope everything continues to work out great.

    I'm headed to the gym in a few minutes to do run in treadmill for 30 minutes, 30 minutes in elliptical and a 30 minute weight training. I have all of my foods planned for today so that will help me stick to my guns. I'm going to the supermarket to stock up on proteins like meats and fish- I seem to run out of those quickly. Then I'm going to my mother's house for a little while- she usually cooks amazing foods but I'm going to cook here before we go to reduce temptation. And, I'm making a spanish dish of black beans and rice and chicken so that I don't feel deprived. And, for dessert I have a vanilla bean ice cream which is non-dairy made from coconut milk. Okay, I better run.

    I hope everyone has a great day!!!!!!!
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    debnu - congrats on the house and the new appliances!! :flowerforyou: How exciting!

    almomay - this vanilla bean ice cream made from coconut milk ... where do you get it? It sounds yummy. I just made shrimp curry with coconut milk and love it!

    My mom and I usually get together on Saturday or Sunday and cook. This weekend, since I had to work Saturday, we cooked today. We made this: It was delicious!!!! We quadrupled the recipe and I had it - along with brown rice - for lunch and dinner. Then we had four phyllo cups each filled with frozen strawberries and sugar free cool whip. Mmm!!!!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hello all, hope everyone was good this past week.
    Last few days I really enjoyed kenpo X and enjoyed stretch X . One hour of stretching most of the muscles. Then went out for lunch at future BIL, we all went public skating. That was a blast, felt great. I've played hockey for 30 years, but haven't been on skates for the last 5 years. Had a great workout, and now I think I'll throw that in as an extra workout.

    debnu - Congrats, enjoy the new purchases.

    Almomay - I think the new words today are coconut milk :laugh:

    lcorrell - That sounded like delicious shrimp, I have learned to like brown rice now, but I think I just found my fav new rice.

    Yesterday fiancee and I went for a drive, I picked up some protein powder, and we stopped at our once every 2-3 month Thai place. Oh my, delicious food. For some reason I have it in my mind it's alot healthier than chinese food. Very lite sauces with lots of vegetables and chicken/beef. Some sauces I can taste coconut milk in it as well.

    Anyways, instead of ordering the white rice, I thought let's try the coconut rice.... oh... oh myyy... oh my oh my...

    I said there's gotta be a way to use this with brown rice, so there are quite a few varieties/recipes on the internet.
    Use brown rice, and instead of all water.
    some use all coconut milk, some 1/2 coconut milk 1/2 with water.
    Some use 1tbs of coconut oil instead of butter as well.

    Coconut milk is on my next market trip.:laugh:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    llcorell- It's really delicious and they have different flavors. I get it in the organic section near Amy's frozen products. It's called: Purely Decadent - Made With Coconut Milk Vanilla Bean Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert. I like it because it's a non-dairy and non soy product.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    tthumper- you are making me hungry thinking about Thai food. I had been to a Thai restaurant with coworkers in the past and had some delicious meals which I'm pretty sure were based on coconut milk. My coworkers helped me order since they were familiar with the menu. This past independence day I went to a local Thai restaurant, nearby where we were watching the fireworks, with hubby and we didn't understand the menu and ordered awful things we didn't like...... My hubby now doesnt believe how awesome the food is. Maybe next time I'll look up a Thai restaurant on and look at the ratings and menu.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    llcorrell- I love foods that remind me of my mom and home. Sometimes I miss the foods so I have practiced these years after getting married and I think I'm pretty close. There's nothing like home cooking!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Good Morning my Beautys!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    chrissyh- Good morning!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    mornin all

    I might go running instead of dong my P90X today I need a variation in my routine. I will maybe do my P90x later today
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    mornin all

    I might go running instead of dong my P90X today I need a variation in my routine. I will maybe do my P90x later today

    As long as you are doing something you'll see results! Keep it up!

    Hi almomay!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Good morning all! Apparently my stress eating is helping my weightloss so I guess I can't complain much. :) We should get keys to our new home tomorrow. YAY I am spending today packing...:ohwell: :indifferent: But it is a means to an end.

    I am just waiting on a couple weights--

    Have a great productive day!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Good morning all! Apparently my stress eating is helping my weightloss so I guess I can't complain much. :) We should get keys to our new home tomorrow. YAY I am spending today packing...:ohwell: :indifferent: But it is a means to an end.

    I am just waiting on a couple weights--

    Have a great productive day!!

    So excited for you and the new house!!!!!