Brand New and Cynical

My daughter recommended this site to me and then it made the national news because Consumer Reports rated it so highly as a helpful place to diet successfully, so here I am. I have many, many, manymanymany pounds to lose and the numbers are daunting, so daunting that this is one of too many to count tries at this lifestyle change.

I am excited to meet new online friends and to learn from this community, and already after just one day I can see the great value of tracking everything I eat, and I'm guaranteeing myself to be ruthlessly honest here. I stayed under the calories yesterday, but did go over in eating fats.

Please come to say hello and give me hints at helpful discussions, things that work for you, and ESPECIALLY exercising tips as I'm a lazy slob and don't even know how to begin. I promise to stay open to possibilities, so please share all of your successes and failures with me. I will be so grateful.


  • AuntieEm61
    AuntieEm61 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Cat... so nice to see you here! I've always admired your smart sense of humour as well as your intellect through our friendship elsewhere and am glad to have met Monty who brought me to you. As like you I have a lot of weight to lose. I'm not sure where you're at but whatever the case may be I do understand the overwhelming sense of panic at times to think of the whole amount. Two years ago I lost 30 lbs here in about 3 months. I felt a huge amount of benefit from doing that and also felt a huge amount of confidence coming back to me. I still needed to continue as I still had a large amount to lose but somehow getting to that point was so significant to me. At that time I decided to try online dating and met someone in my area that I felt comfortable with just talking over the phone. It took a lot for me to actually meet him because I was so afraid that my weight would be an issue. Unfortunately it was. Though our meeting was nice and we talked in a coffee shop for quite a while, I found out after that he was really just being polite. Logically I should have just realized that was his problem not mine, but instead I sabotaged myself and totally lost interest in continuing. Back into the fog of denial that it really didn't matter what I looked like or felt like I just went back to eating what I felt like eating and drinking way to much as well.
    I have a daughter who is sixteen and also is gaining weight. I don't want to see her do to herself what I have done to myself. But I also was laying in bed one night and thinking that in all honesty I am dying. And that really really scared me. I'm not afraid to die, but to not try and live a better and healthier life while I have the chance to by merely becoming more conscious of my food, exercise and overall lifestyle... it's just insane not to try and save my own life. I have the tools, the money, the incentive and overall I am so sick and tired of the pain I feel just from carrying all this weight. So here I am again. I know I can do it. I know you can do it. The trick for me last time was just taking it one day at a time and to think about the feelings I had when I had a successful day and made mostly good choices. Be kind to yourself, if you slip try not to fall down. And if you do fall remember that I will be here to help you back up if you need it. Keep in touch and Sending you All my Best! Angie :)