
So I decided to be good/eat good for lunch today. My husband and I decided we were going to meet at Quizno's for lunch so I went online looked at the nutrition facts and decided what I wanted and was looking so forward to it since I was not so good this weekend. What happened?? Quizno's closed! So then we were stuck by a Wendy's and Beef O'Brady's. We chose Beefs, not only cuz its our favorite but because it has more healthy options. As soon as we get in we bother order water but for some reason the guy brought sweet tea (my fav!!) so I had that. Then after looking and looking at the menu I went with my GUT and not my HEAD and got the boneless wing kids meal with CURLY FRIES and potato salad! There goes my entire calories for today!! Good thing I am working out this afternoon. Guess Ill stay on the treadmill for a lil longer! I feel like I am getting no where. Its depressing!!

I am going to see my family in April and want to lose 10lbs by then. I am really not sure I can do it. I was down 2 lbs but is back on now so I am just at a loss right now.

Totally bummed. =(


  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over a slip up! You gave into a temptation, who hasn't done that. I can promise you it will happen again. Dwelling on it will only make it worse. Spend an extra 15 min on cardio today and then get right back to eating healthy for dinner. The worse thing you can do is get down on yourself b/c from personal experience beating yourself up can lead to a downward spiral. The good thing about trying to adapt a healthy diet is each meal is a brand new chance to try to get it right!

    Good luck!