Calorie Intake

Just want to make sure I am following the app correctly. I am 33/M Weigh 238 at this moment. I have a desk job. I do cardio workouts 3 times a week and weight training 2-3 days a week. My calorie goal if I want to lose 2 pounds a week is set to 1540. If I look at other calculators they tell me I should be eating around 1800 calories. I just want to make sure I am not doing something wrong on the site to make it lower. Don't get me wrong I am happy with my results so far. I just don't want to do anything that could damage my body.

This is my first go at this so I am unsure of everything.


  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    The 1540 is net so you should eat your exercise calories on top of the 1540. I think that is very low for a male and the 2lbs per week maybe too much since you do not have 100 pounds to lose so try to set it for 1.5.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    IMHO, dial it back. Sounds like you are on a 2 Lbs per week plan. I started off pretty low and was absolutely miserable. I'm now eating 20% of my TDEE and feeling great and losing about 1 Lb per week. If you are not including your exercise in your profile, you'll want to log those calorie burns as accurately as possible and eat them back; otherwise, you can include that as part of your activity (as I do) and just change your profile just have to be sure you're actually putting in the work to eat to that level.

    My BMR is around 1,880 calories and there's no way I'd be eating 1,540 calories unless I was being very closely supervised by a healthcare professional. You should minimally net to your BMR.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I would eat more ... I am a 26 yr old female, 198lbs and eat that amount plus my exercise calories to lose.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Yeah eat more than that! I'm a almost 47 year old woman that works out less than that and I can lose on 1800!
  • If I eat my BMR I am pretty much relying on exercise to help me lose weight correct?

    Do any of you actually use the my fitness pal app and what does it calculate for you to eat as far as calories? I am just going by what it calculated for me.
  • I set my profile to 1.5 pounds per week. It has me at 1790 now does that sound more reasonable?