Do "good" carbs count against us?

I was logging my food for the day and I have like a 50-something carb limit. I had an apple during the day, which is like 20 carbs. But aren't these good carbs? If so should this really count against my carb intake?

I hate this good carb/bad carb stuff...


  • raleighgoodwins
    raleighgoodwins Posts: 68 Member
    well they do count as carbs but the fiber is also a benefit. for a while there was something for type 2 diabetics (which I am) that said you could subtract the amount of fiber from the amount of carbs to end up with 'net carbs.' but my nutritionist said that isn't really being done anymore and that I should just track both carbs and fiber. I know that in terms of processing the sugar, your blood glucose level goes up much more slowly when you eat high fiber carbs as opposed to simple carbs like white rice and white bread.

    I guess the bottom line is that the carbs do count no matter what but it is always better to eat something like an apple that has carbs, vitamins and fiber than to eat other kinds of carbs that don't have those other benefits.

    Not sure if it helps but it's all I know.
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    theres no such thing as a bad or good carb, its limiting your intake of them. berries are a lower carb choice, also try adding more veggies and protein, low to no carbs. You can work all foods in even really really bad ones if your willing to work out for it, you can do this
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    I honestly don't count my carbs because on my food plan,, all carbs are good. We call them fast carbs and slow carbs. It's all based on how fast your body converts the carbs with the gylcemic index. For instance, I do not eat any white enriched flour of any kind, no white sugar, nothing with high fructose corn syrup. So a meal for me would consist of a protein (always), a fast carb (like brown rice) and a slow carb (brocoli). This gives your body the correct portions to keep burning the fat.

    I don't particulary like apples, I lean more towards pears and plums and hardly ever a banana. Frozen blueberries are good in my oatmeal in the morning as well.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I guess the bottom line is that the carbs do count no matter what but it is always better to eat something like an apple that has carbs, vitamins and fiber than to eat other kinds of carbs that don't have those other benefits.

    I second this.

    50g carbs is bordering on extreme, IMO, but I'm sure you have your reasons.

    I eat 120-170g of carbs most days (fruit, veggies, potatoes, yogurt, cheese, brown rice, oatmeal, etc) -- about 45% of my intake is carbs & I'm doing just fine, but everyone is different. :wink: