Yoga for the (very) chubby girl?



  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    If you are shy about going to a class, maybe see if there is a beginner DVD at the library or a bookstore. There's an iPhone app called All In Yoga that's pretty good and has videos for the poses so you can see how they are supposed to look. Gaiam also had a great video called Yoga For Weight Loss. Remember to honor your body's signals and don't do anything that feels painful. A bit of a stretch is good, but outright pain means you need to go a little easier. Have fun with it. If you do some most days you should very soon notice that you are reaching farther and balancing better than when you started.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I would recommend finding an Iyengar yoga teacher near you. They are very well trained (Iyengar has one of the lowest rates of injuries of any kind of yoga), and know how to accomodate all kinds of physical challenges. If you have trouble getting your hands to the floor, they raise the floor with wooden blocks so you get your hands as low as you can - you still get all the benefits of doing the pose. If you're like me, shoulderstands might make you uncomfortable (particularly if you're busty), so they accomodate that by raising your shoulders on folded blankets to give more room for your neck to extend. They use a wide variety of props to help people.

    If there is no Iygengar teacher near you, you may be able to find some videos. There used to be a dvd called Yoga for Round Bodies, but I don't know if it's still available.

    I remember often being uncomfortable when I first started doing yoga (20 years ago). About ten years ago I was much heavier than I am now and needed a lot of help working with the poses, but was always able to do them. And I remember going to a workshop one time and seeing a woman heavier than myself - she was so calm, and so flexible, she still inspires me to this day.

    No matter what class you decide on, I'd recommend talking to your teacher before you hand over your money. Some are better trained than others, so make sure you ask how she or he can work with you.

    Good luck!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Yoga is for everyone! Just do it. A good instructor will help you make any modifications you need. If you feel self-conscious about it, or think people might be judging you, just take a spot in the back of the class until you feel more comfortable/familiar with the movements, so you can relax and learn without stressing. :flowerforyou:
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Just try it, in beginner classes they should be very supportive and if you need to modify a pose or take a break you are totally fine to do that! It will feel amazing to start, you'll feel strong and stretched out! I once went to a Bikram yoga (hot yoga) class when I was at my heaviest weight, at the time I didn't know what it was haha. I thought I would die, but I felt VERY accomplished after. You can do it! :)
  • enigmatickitty
    I've been trying a free course online for beginners. Maybe you could give it a try.
  • Robinvan38
    Robinvan38 Posts: 17 Member
    there are lots of beginning yoga routines on You Tube. Just try a different one daily until you find what appeals to you. There's one that starts with a V that I enjoyed as a beginner (sorry, I forget the name, but I'll bet others know it). When you find what you like, there are apps to download for IPads
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I make a fool of myself in my everday life. It's fun lol Go for it!! The exercise will help you lose weight and help build your stamina and endurance. I've improved in all other exercise, cardio, lifting, everything since I've been doing Yoga!!
  • DoctorKatey
    I completely agree. I loved taking yoga and believe me, everyone's got an insecurity, from not having the perfect yoga body to not knowing the poses to being inflexible. Just go! You'll enjoy it. I know I do, and I'm chubby too.
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    Definitely give it a try. Yoga and Pilates are probably the best things you can do for your body as you start exercising more - they keep you stretching and using new muscles without all the impact of running. My friend writes a funny blog and recently posted about the "9 things he learned from Yoga this year" ---
  • PurplePookie
    PurplePookie Posts: 85 Member
    Go for it - just find a class that will work with you for anything you may not yet be able to do. I took yoga when I had over 100lbs to lose and found it was great. Sure, it was hard at first, but I modified some moves and it slowly got easier. I found I was able to do more and more with every class.

    A tip though: not all yoga classes are created equal - so try them out before you pay for a bunch of sessions. If you don't like the instructor in one, try another class until you find one that fits with your goals and personality. :)
  • SeaJenni
    SeaJenni Posts: 211 Member
    I didn't read all the previous posts. Get a DVD and try it at home before taking a class. If you haven't twisted and turned a whole lotta different ways, you may pass some gas the first few go arounds. You may want to press all that out of your system before joining a group.
  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    I would definitely suggest going for it. In a class nobody will focus on what you are doing but if you don't want to put yourself out there then start with a DVD or even Youtube videos and get a bit more confident with the movements. I have been doing yoga for a few months now at my gym. Luckily they offer free classes so I decided to give it a shot. I am currently about 375lbs and progressed to the point where I can start to do some poses that I could never imagine doing when I started. Try a beginner class and don't let it get to you if you can't do every pose at first. It is not a competition. Have fun!

  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    Absolutely do try it. I'm >100 lbs overweight, and I've been doing yoga for 4 years. Take it easy, listen to your body, particularly your joints, and have fun. A good instructor can teach beginning yoga with modifications. It's incredible how strong and able yoga can make you feel.

    From a fabulous blog I recently read (, "At the start? Every time? I set my intention and it is this: For the next 75 minutes, don’t look around, don’t compare, don’t list all the ways you are not good enough to be here, and don’t hate yourself. Just Breathe. Just Breathe. Just Breathe. Just be in your body and remember how good a place it is to be, really."
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    Not only can (very) chubby women do yoga, they can even become instructors:

    I did yoga when I was 100 pounds overweight. There will be some moves that you will have to modify, but that's true for anyone starting out no matter what their size. It is worth it to check out a few different instructors/studios. Teachers have different styles, studios have different atmospheres, and it might take some investigation to figure out what works for you. Try to find a place that has a true beginner class or series of classes for people who've never done any yoga before. That way you can focus on learning good technique without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    Check out yourtube for some free excelent yoga videos and start now! you won't be sorry! I looove it
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    YES! Do it! You will love it (hopefully!). I started at 100 pounds overweight. I have seen several larger girls/guys hit poses I didn't even know was physically possible. So don't be worried about size. I wouldn't recommend a hot yoga class though, and this may just be because I don't like them, but I found being overweight made it unbearable in the heat and I almost passed out. I would recommend start with a Hatha yoga class! Hatha flow is my favourite. Or a good Yin class once in awhile. You can always let the yogi know you are new and they pay special attention to you to ensure you are understanding form. One of the classes I used to go to (too expensive now) he would start with "who hasn't been here before raise your hand" and he was super helpful to those students. Have fun!
  • appelsiinipuu
    appelsiinipuu Posts: 97 Member
    Just found this.. wondering about buying it as I would like to try yoga, too, but definitely feel too nervous to go to classes.
  • liquidpete24
    Yin is kind of stretchy and what you associate with most mental images of Yoga, you could start with that.
    I've been to a lot of classes and it's not all toothpick girls in belly shirts.
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    If you have a wii or can borrow a friends theres good beginners things on there to get you started.
  • imaburnin
    I am also a chubby girl who enjoys yoga. I did use the DVD route at home, but became bored very quickly. Now I'm using YouTube channels to supplement my yoga practice or learn new things (I can't afford to take classes). Videos from Yogatic are among the best in my opinion; hundreds of videos, several of which address chubby girl issues like lower back problems and knee pain.