need motivation

I would like to lose weight but i usually can't stay motivated for longer than a day. I just enjoy not worrying about what i eat and having to count calories all the time. I used to be really passionate and motivated to lose weight bit these days i don't seem to care much anymore. What should i do..


  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    A support system helps. You can add me for support. I know counting calories and exercising can be cumbersome at times, but having support really helps. You are not alone!:smile:
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    What's your calorie goal? I just started a few weeks back at MFP's 1200 calories to lose 2 lbs/week, and I was miserable and had no motivation. And, after an initial 5 lb loss of which I gained 3 back, I saw no other progress. Then I read the Roadmap post and adjusted my calories up to the 1500s, and again today to 1750.

    What a difference! I no longer feel trapped within seemingly impossible guidelines with a large chunk of my daily calories eaten up at breakfast. Now, I can see all of the options and possibilities available within my caloric intake range, and realize that if I want something not-so-healthy, I can make it fit and still be on or near my target. I may even boost my calories a bit more after a week or two's time, if needed, as I'm still playing with it.

    Good luck to you. It's too early in the year to throw in the towel. You can do this!
  • kellyr730
    kellyr730 Posts: 44 Member
    What's your calorie goal? I just started a few weeks back at MFP's 1200 calories to lose 2 lbs/week, and I was miserable and had no motivation. And, after an initial 5 lb loss of which I gained 3 back, I saw no other progress. Then I read the Roadmap post and adjusted my calories up to the 1500s, and again today to 1750.

    What a difference! I no longer feel trapped within seemingly impossible guidelines with a large chunk of my daily calories eaten up at breakfast. Now, I can see all of the options and possibilities available within my caloric intake range, and realize that if I want something not-so-healthy, I can make it fit and still be on or near my target. I may even boost my calories a bit more after a week or two's time, if needed, as I'm still playing with it.

    Good luck to you. It's too early in the year to throw in the towel. You can do this!

    What is the Roadmap post?? It sounds interesting! Good advice too!

    I would suggest just giving it more time - make yourself "do good" for just one week - once you see the number on the scale start going down and feel your clothes getting loser, it's all downhill from there. If I'm having a hard day, I just ask myself what I want more - to binge or splurge on junk and then feel like crap afterward or to control myself and be healthy and happy and confident? 9 out of 10 times I will make the right decision but (OK more like 8 out of 10 ;-)) but either way, you just have to do it - just make yourself!! :) It is so worth it!!