This is working for me

Anyone who is looking for somehting new to try this is really working and keeps me full all day
I usually get up between 5:30 to 6 I wil have 2 cups of coffee. While at work usually around 9 AM I will have a Kellogs breakfast to go which has 180 cals It really fills you up. Around lunch time I will have a Healthy Choice soup chicken and rice chicken and noodles. Its a total of about 180 cals. Around 3:00 PM I will have another shake same kind and keeps me full until dinner. That pretty much leaves me room to have an awesome dinner ( in moderation) of what ever I want. Its 540 cals all day long and no hunger . I love dinner. So it works real well for me


  • homefitnessextreme
    generally the concept is okay, but depending on when and if you exercise you might want to try ditching the processed crap and try just skipping breakfast and having real food at lunch. You can get pretty full for 600 calories.
  • Gagirl0910
    Gagirl0910 Posts: 16 Member
    That is good you found something that works for you! Every one is different!
  • WickedPixie1
    WickedPixie1 Posts: 111 Member
    Dinner is pretty much my only set meal of the day, so it tends to be the biggest calorie wise.
    I'm not really hungry during the day, so either Brunch or Lunch and then I graze, so the amount is usually only about 400-600, leaving ample calories left over for Dinner and a snack or drink...especially if I've worked out.