Clean diet ??



  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    IMHO, it's simple food snobbery. just like low carb diets, or low fat diets, or paleo diets, etc.

    any diet that identifies certain foods as "good" and certain foods as "bad" is food snobbery in my book.

    a calorie is a calorie.

    nutritionally, it may make sense to eat the bulk of your calories from certain foods to meet your macro needs. that's fine.

    however, pizza is no better or no worse than spinach, when eaten in moderation.

    life is after all meant to be enjoyed!
    You would need to eat 3 pounds of spinach for it to be the same caloric value as 1 slice of pepporoni pizza. Add in the amount of sodium you'll be consuming eating said pizza vs. the spinach and you'll have a great time comparing the two. Not saying don't eat pizza ever, just don't get the idea that just because it fits your macros it's going to be a healthier or just as healthy as other alternatives.

    IIFYM =/= calorie is a calorie. In fact its actually the opposite, it recognizes that all calories are NOT the same therefore splits calorie intake into Protein/Carbs/Fats.
    Please note that even people who follow IIFYM eat healthy, micro-nutrient dense foods 90% of the time. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that just because it fits your macros you can eat pizza and poptarts all day and be healthy.

    Before anyone responds please understand this... I'm not a stating a position for or against IIFYM so don't bother starting the "Clean Eating vs. IIFYM" ****storm with me, I'm simply promoting a better understanding of the subject before applying it to your lifestyle (if you so choose to).

    actually a calorie is a calorie.

    it's a unit of energy. it doe not vary whether it's 1 calorie of pizza or 1 calorie of spinach or 1 calorie of butter.

    a calorie (or in our case really, a kilocalorie) has a precise meaning and has nothing to do with nutrition at all. to conflate the two issues is to misunderstand completely what i posted above.
    I suppose it wouldn't matter if you got all your calories from fats then instead doing a 40c/30f/30p split then?

    Edit: This is worth the time to read if you got some time to read:
    "Effects of Dietary Composition on Energy Expenditure During Weight-Loss Maintenance"
    The results of our study challenge the notion that a calorie is a calorie from a metabolic perspective.