Ridiculously disproportionate :/



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    My scale says that I weigh 117 lbs, but I have a 30 inch waistline. How is this even possible???! I've looked up several people that are my height and weight, and it looks like I should have a 22-24 inch waistline at the most. I'm trying to tone and eat healthier, but I've been stuck with a huge waistline regardless. I eat nothing but protein (I'm doing the Atkin's diet) and drink unsweetened tea and water all day - mostly water).
    Why is my body so HUGE? :/

    Your perception of your body image is ridiculously disproportionate. Not every woman is designed to have a 22 inch waist...in fact the majority of us don't. You're at a healthy weight. Maybe you should focus on body composition, switch to maintenance and hit the weight HARD. I mean a lift day is lifting heavy not carrying 5lb weights while you do cardio. If you can do more than 12 reps it's too light. Your diary isn't open so it's hard to give you advice on that other than I think Atkin's is a load of crap BUT that's just my opinion. Eat more, lift weights and embrace the body that nature gave you:flowerforyou:
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Maybe that's just where you hold your weight?

    I'm not sure....I am also 5'3 (currently bulking) and am up to 115 as of this morning. My waist is 24 inches.

    Perhaps you should incorporate strength training and lower your body fat percentage? Hard to say considering i have no idea what your body fat percentage is. :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My scale says that I weigh 117 lbs, but I have a 30 inch waistline. How is this even possible???! I've looked up several people that are my height and weight, and it looks like I should have a 22-24 inch waistline at the most. I'm trying to tone and eat healthier, but I've been stuck with a huge waistline regardless. I eat nothing but protein (I'm doing the Atkin's diet) and drink unsweetened tea and water all day - mostly water).
    Why is my body so HUGE? :/
    Shape has a lot to do with it. Are you more straight than pear or hourglass? Then you will have a larger waist.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    When I weighed 117 I didn't have a 22-24 inch waist. more like 26. 30 Isn't bad at all. I'm 5'1'' around 120lbs and have a 26.75 inch waist now.

    Make sure you're taking the measurement at the smallest part of your waist. Your belly button is not your waist.
  • nornas42
    nornas42 Posts: 73 Member
    Body type, body type. My waist is pretty much non-existent as it exists basically where my rib cage starts and I have a larger chest and wide hips - there's just no space for it to shrink into!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Bodies are crazy things! My sister weighs 160ish and her waist is 26.... She didn't "do anything" to make it happen this way, it's just her genetics.... All her weight is in her huge thunder thighs. She is an extreme pear shape.. You are likely an apple shape.. I'll bet you've got super lean legs right?
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    I am measuring at both my belly button and around my ribcage. I've looked that up as well and know that I have to measure at the smallest part. That is the part that is 30 inches. My stomach around my belly button is 33 inches :,(
    Neither of those are your actual waist. Your actual waist usually is 1-2" above your bellybutton and does not include your ribs. You are correct that you should be measuring the smallest part though.

    In my opinion, the best way to get a smaller waistline is by decreasing body fat and increasing lean body mass (strength training). Bill is right, the ankle weights can cause harm and really aren't going to do anything for your fitness. Also, it could just be your natural body shape. A 30" waist is by no means huge.

    This is good advice!

    Strength training (lifting things that are heavy!) is by far the most efficient way to lower your body fat percentage. I'd also advise that you should back away from the wrist/ankle weights and find a routine that's less mean to your joints. Best of luck!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Neither of those are your actual waist. Your actual waist usually is 1-2" above your bellybutton and does not include your ribs. You are correct that you should be measuring the smallest part though.

    My belly button is the smallest part of my waist. One to two inches above my belly button would include my ribs.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    Even at my very thinnest, I had a larger waist. This always bothered me until I had a DEXA scan (which allows you to see your skeleton). I have a big rib cage, which doesn't taper much, and it's fairly close to my hipbones. There's no way I'm ever going to have a teeny waist, and it's just the way my body is made.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Chances are your body shape is more apple (small bust and hips with larger waist) or banana (ruler) and your friends are pears or hourglasses (both have bigger differences between waist and hips). You just have to love the body you've got.

    That being said, I lost 3 inches off my waist while staying at the same weight by beginning a heavy lifting program. You might be happier with those results than just getting skinnier and skinnier.