You look so hot today, like a sunrise.


So, I've been on MFP for almost a year now, although for most of that time I've been using it rather half-heartedly, leading to a lack of progress (gaining & plateaus). I decided to commit to logging my food and exercise a few months ago, and since then, I've had absolutely no problem with losing this weight. Of course, I do have days where I slip up and either eat too much or too little, but I don't feel bad about it. I forget about those days and just move on with my life.

Now, I want to become an active member of the forums. The majority of people here are so helpful and entertaining, I don't know why I haven't participated in the forums until now.

Also, I've set my food diary to private, just because I feel like it's for me only.

Anyway, I guess I'll see you around.