I gained a ton in inches feeling de-motivated

OK I was doing fine until sometime in october, I started bingeing again(up to 5000 calories a day). I decided not to weigh myself anymore but I am taking my measurements twice a month. Long story short I went way up in size.

My measurements as of 9/30/12 were:

34-29-41 and my thighs were 24.5

Now my measurements are 35-30-43 and my thighs are 27 inches as of 01/6/2013

I am currently doing the paleo/low carb/GAPS thing for now(aiming for 50-75g of carbohydrate a day and 1700 calories). I need motivation I am discouraged, my ultimate goal(by june 2013) is to fit into my old jeans, which are a 36 inch hip. Now I am afraid I may never even get close to it. My current goal(by march 2013) is to get my hips down to 40 inches.


  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    Although body measurements are better than a number on a scale I'd still recommend weighing, even if its twice or just once a month. I think it will help seeing a number go down as body measurements can vary so much unless done in the same place.

    I think the key issue you mentioned is bingeing, how often is this? Does it take place on weekends? Is it at nights? etc Finding out what is triggering it will the best way to stay on track. Have you gone cold turkey on certain foods, and then binge on them later?

    Without knowing weight is 1700 an unrealistic deficit? It might be worth trying to up this closer to your TDEE until you don't feel the need to binge and then reduce it down if needed. You don't need to be dramatically under your TDEE to be losing.

    The problem could lie in trying to do paleo/low carb/GAPS rather than just eating a normal varried diet but in moderation. Eating some of the food you are binge eating on but in a controlled way could be more maintainable. It's best to not look at losing weight as being on some fad diet but as a life style change to your eating habits.
  • MountainMoverJosh
    Don't beat yourself up. *kitten* happens. I didnt record anything for all of December. yes, pants got a little tighter, but I enjoyed myself, dammit! Take a break for longer than a day sometimes. Just get back on it. Will power, chicka. Will power. And, btw....nice measurements!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    OK I was doing fine until sometime in october, I started bingeing again(up to 5000 calories a day). I decided not to weigh myself anymore but I am taking my measurements twice a month. Long story short I went way up in size.

    My measurements as of 9/30/12 were:

    34-29-41 and my thighs were 24.5

    Now my measurements are 35-30-43 and my thighs are 27 inches as of 01/6/2013

    I am currently doing the paleo/low carb/GAPS thing for now(aiming for 50-75g of carbohydrate a day and 1700 calories). I need motivation I am discouraged, my ultimate goal(by june 2013) is to fit into my old jeans, which are a 36 inch hip. Now I am afraid I may never even get close to it. My current goal(by march 2013) is to get my hips down to 40 inches.

    the question is, how much work are you willing to put into it? only you can answer that, and only you can get the results you want.

    maybe find someone to talk to about the binging, so you can identify why you do it, and what trigger it etc, but essentially, it takes will power and hard work, both of which only come from you.