Working out is the easy part!!!

Some may think Im crazy for saying this, but... to each its own! I first need to say that I have been on this lose/gain train for a LONG TIME!

This time last year, I was on my "New Year/New Me" kick, and worked out vigourously for 5mos straight, 2hrs a day, sometimes twice a day!! You'd think I was on the Biggest Loser Campus or something!! I just KNEW I was going to be "Fine for the Summer Time!!" Well, 1st month, lost 6lbs, 2nd month, lost 3lbs, 3rd month, lost 3lbs......hmmmm, did I miss something??...4th month, lost 3lbs, 5th month, lost 2lbs...for a wopping total of 17lbs.... Now, I am NOT ungreatful, .... but watching others who embarked on the same journey as me, pass me by....well...It kind of pissed me off!! LOL

So, I went back to day one, searching for answers, anything, to justify why I was working out over 16hrs a week and in 5mos I havent even lost a pants size!!!!!!!

Then it hit me! MY EATING SUCKED!! I used working out to justify my eating, it made it okay to eat out 3times a week, and snack on whatever my kids are snacking on, "I EARNED IT!!" <<< THAT STATEMENT SHOULD RING A BELL FOR MOST OF YOU, AFTER A HARD DAYS WORK!!

Well what most of us fail to realize, is that going to a gym, turning on a dvd, attending a Zumba class, hitting the treadmill, well, they ALL have off buttons! You know, that "big beautiful red thing, staring you in the face, telling you it will put an end to your missery, all you have to do is push it!!" LOL

The hardest part of this journey is LIVING IT!! You have no OFF button, no pause, no excuse not to attend! EVERY-SINGLE-DAY you have to make the consious choice to get up, and press play! How you direct your movie for that day will determine your future, not the gym, not that glorious new diet your on, thats promised to place bandaids over puncture wounds(sorry, its the nurse in me)!

With that being said, Im learning to live conciously, not too much, not too little, but at the speed of which is best for me! I hope that each of you find your own speed, live conciously and LOVE EVERY-SINGLE-DAY of it!!
