What do you think about the Fitbit Products



  • isisbryan
    isisbryan Posts: 105 Member
    I just purchased a Fitbit Zip. I saw my friend was using one and I did some research. I really wish I had read this forum before purchasing it. I am sedentary and I need SOMETHING to get me motivated to move. Allthough the Zip is reported as good, I almost wish I had purchased the One because of the durability of the clip. I'll let you know how it works when it comes in and I use it for a week or so.
  • zoelife362
    zoelife362 Posts: 4 Member
    I have the fitbit one and I love it, and it takes alot of the guessing out of your daily calories burned if your keeping track.
  • dcat4563
    dcat4563 Posts: 33 Member
    I have the fitbit one and I love it. i have had it since christmas. i lost the holder and had to order a new one, so i was without it for a week and it drove me crazy. of course i found the holder the day the new one came in! anyway, it is pretty accurate on steps and calories, and it is great that it gives you flights of stairs equivalent, except when you ride the elevator! i have found that i have increased my steps over the last month +
  • jweisshoff
    jweisshoff Posts: 74 Member
    I've had the Fitbit One for 3 weeks...and absolutely love it. It has kept me very motivated!! I try to up my number of steps or number of stairs climbed every day. I have it synched with my phone...and love getting the goal update messages too.