How to explain to my kids I'm dieting?



  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    It's hard to know, but I would try to keep it towards health and not mention weight loss at all.

    Kids notice more than you'd think, even at a young age. Health was never mentioned when my mom dieted, so I thought just losing weight was the important part. I copied her fad diets and once decided to just have rice and water. :\
  • Jenna9797
    Jenna9797 Posts: 33 Member
    My niece (who unfortunately takes after my side of the family) asked me about my diet once.
    She is 9 and really into math so I explained it as a math problem... that the body needed X calories to live. "Guess what happens if I eat more than X?" I asked her.
    She said, "There is some left over?"
    "Yep" I said. "Guess what happens to it."
    She shrugged.
    I poked my belly. "My body stores it here." I then went on to explain that the dieting was to ensure that I was eating less than X so my body would use up all the extras from previous meals.

    One day, we will figure out her X and I'll gently talk to her about dieting for real.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I tell my kids that their body is still growing so the calories bit is not something they need to worry about. At their age the focus is on nutrition to help their body develop well. They need to focus on getting in some good food and not just their beloved junky food. When we get older, our bodies stop growing and we need only a certain amount to stay in a healthy range. For that reason, I focus on calories as well as nutrition. I also explain that sometimes adults stop moving around so much like kids tend to do. As a result, I have to teach myself to love and embrace all that exercise again. I do tell them that as long as they continue to move around a lot and not just sit in front of video games, then they have that part made. I stress over and over that for them the focus is getting in some good foods to help their bodies to grow and develop properly.

    Of course maybe the calorie bit shouldn't come up at all, but I have been discussing it with my husband and they hear it.

    My teenager came home and told me that he learned that cheese is not good to put on broccoli because it is too high in fat. I do not want my kids to be afraid of food or fats. I told him that people say that because fat has more calories. In a good well rounded diet, cheese and fat are not enemies. The bigger problem is that adults sometimes go out of whack with their portion control and don't exercise enough. I have stressed to my teenager that his body is growing and that food is important for that. He doesn't need to restrict it. He just needs to watch the junk. In the meantime, he now goes to the gym and does a little bit of weight lifting. I talk about how food fuels your exercise, etc.

    I'm not the best model but I try to model at least my thinking about making better choices at times because I think they need to also look at what they choose for food.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    I would simply say that we are eating better tasting food that will fuel their bodies for their busy day. Diet is different than changing you eating habits in my opinion.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    How old are they? I mean I don't think you have to explain anything to them. You do the food shopping so buy cleaner foods (fruits, vegetables, turkey, chicken etc) and just introduce them and substitute those foods with any crap they normally eat. Plus if they cry about it just tell them to go get a job and they can purchase whatever they want.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    For the very young, that struggle with complex ideas as it is, I'd just keep it as simple as possible. 'So I know how much to use' e.g.

    I sense that a lot of people are worried that if they tell their child that they have eaten too much and need to go on a diet, it will have repercussions in the future of the child being obsessed with diet. It's pretty much impossible to tell the future, how it will affect the individual child, and such neuroses from a parent may do more harm, so just simply do your best. It's almost always best when something is not a big deal.

    It gets harder and harder as they get older, mainly because of outside influences. Just look at all of the confused full grown adults asking questions on here.

    I've found that people struggle when you try to tell them everything at once, and it's far better when they ask what they need to know, when they are ready to understand it.
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    You are learning to eat healthy ... Good for you!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    How old are they? I mean I don't think you have to explain anything to them. You do the food shopping so buy cleaner foods (fruits, vegetables, turkey, chicken etc) and just introduce them and substitute those foods with any crap they normally eat. Plus if they cry about it just tell them to go get a job and they can purchase whatever they want.

    I thought that too, but it doesn't explain why food is being weighed. I do agree with the sentiment though, if Mummy always weighs food, that is just what Mummy does, why would I give a f*
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 229 Member
    My seven yr old was taught a lot about "healthy eating" in school (yr 1). Some of it was good and it seems to be built on this year.

    We have just been building on what the school is teaching. We explain that in years gone by we didn't make the healthiest choices regarding food and exercise and now we want to put it right so that we can do all the activities that the kids want to do.

    We have had to talk about it a a lot as some of what the school is teaching I don't completely agree with, especially as my 7 yr old is very fit & active and needs the right food to keep her strong.

    just be honest, but emphasise the fit, healthy and strong side rather than the body image.
  • I've always explained it to my kids this way (and still do at 12 and 10)
    I am being careful about what I eat because I want to feel better. I'm making healthier choices so I can be around for a long time, and to keep from getting sick like grandma.
    (They understand diabetes because my mom is a diabetic)

    I don't make it about looks. I make it about being healthy...

    I think this approach is working because my daughter will cut back what she's eating and want to exercise more and it's usually because "I'm having trouble keeping up in PE I need to make healthier choices"... which she never has eaten bad, she loves vegetables and fruit! She would rather have a little cup of mandarin oranges over a candy bar! Poor thing is just built like me :(
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    How about "all good chefs weigh their ingredients!"??

    That's a good one!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Well mine are teenagers who are fully aware that I need to lose weight. But for little ones, you can just talk about being healthy and strong and eating your veggies.
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    that is all you need to say. As a social worker, I see parents trying to overexplain things to kids all the time.....they don't need to know more than that. Just focus on the health aspect if they do ask questions; if they don't ask questions, no need to discuss it further.
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    It's not my kids who eat crap food, nor is it really me. It's the amount and the snackage between meals that I need to weigh for now to help me get back in shape. And they aren't complaining, they were just asking with the natural curiosity that kids have. Thanks for all your advice everyone, I'll let you know if there's more questioning about it or if my original answer seems to have covered it.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I don't have kids yet but what you've mentioned sounds good. Also, perhaps something along the lines of "I'm trying to eat healthier so you guys will know how to eat healthy!" would be appropriate!

    Edit to add: I just saw your post directly above mine! You could say "I'm trying to be healthier in general for my beautiful children" :wink:
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Are you truly dieting or are you changing your life forever? Dieting sounds like you're doing Jenny Craig or something that's not long term. Tell them you want to eat better so you can be able to run around with them for a long time...
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    It's not my kids who eat crap food, nor is it really me. It's the amount and the snackage between meals that I need to weigh for now to help me get back in shape. And they aren't complaining, they were just asking with the natural curiosity that kids have. Thanks for all your advice everyone, I'll let you know if there's more questioning about it or if my original answer seems to have covered it.

    Oh, there will be :)
  • Make sure its not "a Diet". Let them know its a healthy lifestyle change. I told my daughters I needed to eat healthier so I would be able to keep up with them as they get older nad faster. They do ask lots of questions dont they?
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I don't say anything to my kids about it. They're only 6 & 2 so they're rather oblivious to everything anyway.
    My six year old did ask me the other day why I shrunk, lol. He was like "Are you turning back into a little girl?".. it was really cute. I just explained to him that I have been exercising a lot lately and we have all been eating a lot of good food because that is how we take care of our bodies. He was fine with that explanation. We don't talk about dieting, weight loss, "fat" is a bad word in our house.
    I have recently majorly cleaned up my family's diet because I felt like I was eating well but feeding the kids junky kid food crap way too much... so we're all doing it together. I don't think that kids care all that much. We've never talked badly about ourselves so I don't think that my two know yet that some people can dislike things about themselves.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I used the "I want to feel better" even though mine are teens now. The 19 year old has been known to herd me out of the kitchen. :happy:

    Look and see if any of the tools here are helpful.