Lost Weight and Still Fat

I know this is bound to happen for the first few stone. But today- I went to a shop and tried on the most goregous dress.
When I was a stone heavier I was wearing a UK size 14 (a US size 10)
Today I thought- well I have lost a stone basically and feel I can move down to a UK size 12 (a US size 8) so I took both sizes into the dressing room.
I tried on the size 12 expecting to look great in it- I couldn't even zip it up.
The size 14 I tried did fit but it was hideous and made me look even more overweight.
Basically I just wanted to moan as I have found that my hard work has counted for nothing- I still look and fit into the same size as I did when I was one stone heavier.
Also today me and my flatmates were watching Dumbo (I love that movie) and assinged the crow characters to each of us. One flatmates piped up "Opal is the one in the hat" The one in the hat was the obese crow. So people still see me as obese. Sigh Have any of you ever found this as you lose weight? It is so sad and frustrating! Grr!


  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    hugs honey. the weight loss will start to show soon. keep up all your hard work!
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Awe! That's sad and I would be upset too if I was the "obese crow"! Just know taht your hard work will pay off! Sometimes I think we women get so focused on the outside that we forget about the inside. The changes we are making in our lives are so great that our insides (our minds and spirits) are so extatic! It just takes a little time for our body to catch up!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Unfortunately, our bodies don't always lose the visable fat (chest, tummy, butt, thighs) first. Frequently they burn the hidden fat (around your organs, etc.) before they burn the other. I don't know if this is what's happening with you, but it was what happenned with me. As you continue to lose weight, it will begin to show and the sizes will start decreasing. Keep working. You've lost the weight, and soon the body will follow!:flowerforyou:
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Dress shopping is the WORST.

    I'm sorry you had a rough day, but for the record, I think you're gorgeous.
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    I have been feeling the same way lately, I have lost 23 lbs so this weekend I tried on a size smaller and they went up but were still too tight :( I am 4 lbs from being pre baby #2 but not even close to being in the same pre baby #2 size of clothes. Keep your head up tho. We can do this, we are not alone on this journey and as we continue to lose weight the sizes will also go down.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm sorry that you're feeling discouraged. In the past I have found that "the difference" seems to come almost overnight. You go along losing and losing and not even you notice yourself. Then, one morning, you are .25 lbs lighter and suddenly EVERYONE will notice. It really does seem to happen over night. Keep up the good work and it will start to show.

    That said, are you exercising? Weight training exercises especially will really shape the muscles you have and, even if you lose very few pounds, it will help you to lose inches, clothes will start to fit better and the "glamour" muscles will start to peek through--that will help people take notice.
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    I know the feeling of not going down a size very quickly! Don't get too disheartened though, did you just try on the one dress? If so maybe it was just a dress that tends to the smaller side...I have gone down a size in some shops, in some clothes but even in the same shop with the same brand I fit different sizes in different clothes.

    And I agree that it's a process where you feel like the progress doesn't show for ages, and then suddenly you start noticing the impacts. So keep it up and you'll get there!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I wear an 8, but only 'certain' 8's. The ones I wore before this last baby are much too small. So either I'm bigger than I used to be OR the clothes used to be smaller. Depressing, isn't it?

    But still....they're all just numbers. How you feel and look is more important :):flowerforyou:
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I don't know about in the UK (that is what you said, isn't it??? lol), but alot of the clothes sold in standard retail and sometime in middle-ground malls for women have changed their sizing. 8's are now what used to be 10's or 12's, 6's are what used to be 8's and 10's and so on. The theory among us common folk is that it's a sales ploy. If a woman *thinks* she's wearing a size 6 when she's historically worn a size 8 or 10, she'll buy a ton of new clothes in a size 6.

    Which is precisely why in one store, this pair of slacks marked as a size 8 fit but in that store, you can't get on anything less than a 12! So, don't fret. The sizes probably don't mean a danged thing anymore. I wish they'd measure women's clothes the same way they do mens and do away with all these false number systems that are to reflect... what exactly?

    I'm 5'1" and when I finally get back to a size "4", guess what? I won't find anything that fits my hips or they won't fit my legs (too long or short). Cuz you know, most 5'1" females that are a size 4 are in 8th grade. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! So just roll your eyes at the silliness of the market trends adn keep on keepin' on, knowing that it's the store and the manufacturer that's really suffering - you didn't give them your money or advertising (by wearing their label!). :devil: So how's that for a turn around perspective??? :happy:
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    I didn't believe it, and I still don't understand it, but I agree that the change seems to happen fast. My weight hasn't changed much in the last two weeks (stress, TOM, etc) but yesterday I put on a pair of jeans that hadn't fit the week before and this morning I had to try on three pairs of work pants before I found a pair that were close enough to fitting. Good luck! Changes on the scale will show up soon.
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Totally agree with the comments about sizes. And sometimes it's the cut - you said the dress that did fit you looked hideous; maybe it's just not a flattering style for you in any size. But don't worry; you will see a change in the way your clothes fit. I've been seriously working on exercise and fat loss since May 2009 and just noticed I fit into my old gi again after losing 23 pounds (don't know what that's in stone :smile: ) Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • sazziecee
    sazziecee Posts: 143
    Before I regained my weight (sob) I had lost 18.5lb and never went down a dress size, OK so my clothes were less tight, but I still couldn't get into the next size down.

    I think that's just my body shape though, I have broad shoulders and carry weight on my boobs and they never seem to shrink so it makes sense that I won't change dress size that easily.

    It does make you feel rubbish though.

    Which shop were you in? I am in the UK too and I am between a 12 and a 14 depending on where I shop, but in the "designer" shops I struggle to even get in a 16!!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Don't feel bad I have lost 7 lbs but haven't been able to go to a smaller size because they are to tight:brokenheart:
  • OpalFruitJam
    OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
    Before I regained my weight (sob) I had lost 18.5lb and never went down a dress size, OK so my clothes were less tight, but I still couldn't get into the next size down.

    I think that's just my body shape though, I have broad shoulders and carry weight on my boobs and they never seem to shrink so it makes sense that I won't change dress size that easily.

    It does make you feel rubbish though.

    Which shop were you in? I am in the UK too and I am between a 12 and a 14 depending on where I shop, but in the "designer" shops I struggle to even get in a 16!!

    I was in River Island, tried on this beautiful mish-mash coloured dress that zipped up the front. I literally could not even do the size 12 up, it was a rather "cringe" moment.
    Although it didn't help I was trying clothes with my flatmates who is a UK size 4/6 (very thin indeed!)
    It was just all the effort- and then can't even zip up a dress - it feels like the effort it all for nothing. But as kind comments on the thread say- it may just be one of those things!
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    Before I regained my weight (sob) I had lost 18.5lb and never went down a dress size, OK so my clothes were less tight, but I still couldn't get into the next size down.

    I think that's just my body shape though, I have broad shoulders and carry weight on my boobs and they never seem to shrink so it makes sense that I won't change dress size that easily.

    It does make you feel rubbish though.

    Which shop were you in? I am in the UK too and I am between a 12 and a 14 depending on where I shop, but in the "designer" shops I struggle to even get in a 16!!

    I was in River Island, tried on this beautiful mish-mash coloured dress that zipped up the front. I literally could not even do the size 12 up, it was a rather "cringe" moment.
    Although it didn't help I was trying clothes with my flatmates who is a UK size 4/6 (very thin indeed!)
    It was just all the effort- and then can't even zip up a dress - it feels like the effort it all for nothing. But as kind comments on the thread say- it may just be one of those things!

    I think River Island tend to be 'smaller sizes' anyway- and I totally know how you feel, I've lost and I haven't even noticed any changes to my body, let alone anyone else :grumble: hopefully we'll both be able to see some difference soon though!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Well my Nephew was able to go to school today his fever broke. SO today I am going to head off to the gym to get back on track. Did good on my calories yesterday and played on the WII with him for about a hour that is a workout never really played it before so didn't realize how tired you get. He got it for Christmas guess I should have tried it before.
  • MMLong3996
    The last time in my life I was able to lose a decent amount of weight (between my two kids), I lost 34 lbs. and only went down one size. And it took all the way to 25-30 lbs. before that even happened. I love very slow and see changes very slowly.