Weight of the World

Hi everyone, this feels awkward because i'm not used to doing stuff like this; keeping myself in check by reaching out to other people.

So here I am.

I have done a kind of weight loss regiment before and kept at it for a while but at the time I had bad influences [as far as diets go] and ended up falling out of it. Even though I haven't gained much in terms of fat I do wish to go back to the lifestyle I had.

That's where change takes place.

I moved out and got an apartment with my best friend and his fiance in hopes of giving myself the necessary platform for the change I need. Unfortunately the change that has taken place hasn't been so good. It's been a few weeks and I have just realized that my food intake and sugar consumption has at least doubled if not tripled. Sodas and junk food have taken over my life lol

So yesterday I got a membership to Planet Fitness and went shopping for things that are healthy as well as things for the diet I was on before. I also got a new pair of shoes...they're comfy :)

I know I have it in me to keep this path ahead of me but morale would make this soo much more exciting; to see other people on the same path as I.

Anywho, thanks for reading.