Weight Gain

bulldogs_50 Posts: 3
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss

Im 22, and have been using myfitnesspal as a guide over the past fortnight. I have never been able to put on weight and keep it on so this is the challenge.

I am 190cm and for the past couple of years ive been about 69-70 kg. I want to be at about 80 kg and look alot more filled out. More than 80 kg would be great but for now this will do. I am very athletic and play top grade soccer so i am active 3 to 4 nights per week. I have not started doing weights as of yet. I was hoping to get some advice on here first. But i'd say this will be hard to come by as everyone is trying to lose weight on here.

Anyway, my story over the past fortnight has been that i have been making the calorie count of 2730 very comfortably and have put on 3 to 4 kg's. Still trying to get the true weight but i was 72kg's three days in a row last week and now i have been 75kg's for the past 2 days.

So yes, my diet is healthy. i am eating 6 meals a day of the good foods, mainly from the following website

So if i could get some advice on other people's eating habits, and how they use the gym or certain excercise to turn this new weight into muscle and how to keep the weight on.

Thanks everyone


  • smiles04
    smiles04 Posts: 44
    Hello. I also joined MFP to try and gain weight. I think this site is really really helpful. I also try to eat six to seven meals a day. It may not sound hard to other people, but I think trying to gain weight can be difficult especially when you're working out. I generally eat 2,500 calories a day when I do nothing. On days when I exercise, (swimming or water polo), I try to eat around 3,200 calories. It may sound a little high but it has been helping me put on some weight.
    Some good snack ideas are: homemade protein shakes, eggs, nuts, etc.... you know the same old thing that you find on every website to gain weight. :laugh:
    My doctor also recommended maybe sometimes eating things other people might not typically do. Like eating cheese pizza for breakfast or eating foods others have as a meal as a snack. But you definitely should not try to gain weight by eating junk. So I think you're doing great so far. I hope this helped. Good Luck! :smile:
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Gonna' guess you two are a rare breed around here! Even so - absolute best of luck to the both of you. As long as you stay on track, occasionally up your cals when you hit a stall of say...3 weeks or so, I'm sure you'll make your goals in no time!
  • bw64774
    bw64774 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm actually trying to gain weight as well. I weigh about 145 lbs. but weighed only 135 lbs. when I first started trying to gain a couple of months ago. I'm 5' 9" male who has been very thin my whole life and finally decided I was going to gain weight. This website has been extremely helpful in achieving my goal. Right now I'm set on an around 3000 calorie a day diet and go to the gym 3 times a week. I have a trainer I'm going to that has been helping me and I have seen a significant increase in my measurements he took since I first started. What has really helped me is protein shakes and protein bars between meals. I also have been eating alot more of peanut butter lately, even adding peanut butter to my protein shakes. I'd love to exchange ideas and any tips you two might have. Its good to know there are a couple of other people looking to gain weight on here.
  • Hey thanks alot for those helpful replies guys. Below is my usual day and if you could give me some tips with my diet plan that would be awesome. Thanks again!!!

    I will give you a run down of what kind of normal day consists off and maybe you could do the same thing.
    I live at home with the parents so i guess im still a bit limited with dinner and sometimes lunch.

    Wake up 6:40. Straight away make a smoothie/shake which consists of 200ml's skim milk, a banana, apple, orange and a 1 weetbix plus a vitamin c. Yes sounds wierd i know but actually tastes really good (and i am normally not so good with tasting different things mixed together)

    Get to work at 8. 9:30-10, make a toasted tuna sandwich and also eat a breakfast bar (uncle tobys chewy choc chip)

    Midday to 1 - have lunch, usually consists of chicken breast either in a large brown roll with cheese lettuce tomato (alot of the time ill have a chicken schnitzel sandwich). OR ill have brown rice with chicken with a sauce just off the supermarket shelf such as butter chicken or of the similar sort. I will ALWAYS supplement my lunch with a sanitarium UP & GO. I think its a great little extra.

    After lunch i will snack on almonds all afternoon and at about 3 i will make the peanut butter and toast as i said before.

    Get home from work at 5:30 and have a snack, maybe some left overs from the night before or if i still have some chicken and rice left i will have a small plate of that.

    Dinner will usually consist of what my mum makes. Whether it be chicken and rice. Chicken and pasta. Spaghetti Bowl. Steak, fish etc you know the usuals. I try to have as much as i can stomach. make sure im full!

    At about 9 to 9:30 i will have a protein shake (musashi bulk). And then straight after will have some desert usually an ice cream or a low fat yoghurt. The desert is usually one of the hardest meals of the day, but its gotta be done. We always have to make sure we have the protein shake plus desert just before bed. Very important!!

    I also drink loads of water throughout the day and also have a very good multivitamin at lunchtime along with one flaxseed tablet (1000mg). And also 2 flaxseed tablets just before bed. Essential healthy fats for us weight gaining people.
  • rsbih06
    rsbih06 Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds like you're doing well! My only recommendation would be to use 2% or whole milk for your smoothies instead of skim. Best of luck.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Also eat full fat yogurt. Good for you and you need the calories. Basically, I would recommend you eat the same (healthy) foods as everyone else, except non-low fat versions and in higher quantities.
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