So frustrated!



  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    Dont forget that muscle weighs more than fat. You could be losing fat and inches but gaining muscle so the scales wont move. I don't own scales, only a tape measure. I have no interest in what I weigh, when my clothes start to get loose and I can fit into my old clothes I'll know I'm there.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    A couple of days may not reflect a weight loss, especially if you had a high calorie weekend. I tend to splurge on weekends and then it takes until Wednesday for my Monday and Tuesday work out and eating routines to bounce into place and reflect on the scale. I'd suggest not weighing yourself every day. That is SO discouraging. Even on a good week when i've done everything perfectly i can fluctuate in weight before I finally start to show a loss on the scale.

    Also change your cardio routine around. stay consistent with your time of work outs but maybe do different styles of cardio a couple of times a week. your body adjusts rather quickly to the same repetitive work out.

    When you weigh once a week - weigh CONSISTENTLY. Weigh on the same day each week, at the same time ( i recommend first thing in morning), wearing the same clothes. You may find this works better for you.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    The scale is flicked, it will happen. Plus check your measurements, many time you are losing inches and cannot tell on the scales. When I first started, I would lose then get stuck for a week or so and suddenly drop.

    You may also not being eating enough. If you are working that hard, your body needs to be replenished with calories.

    Are you eating back your calories?
  • gingertreat
    gingertreat Posts: 84 Member
    OP I can relate. I clicked on the "Motivation and support" message boards for precisely the same reason you posted. I feel like I've been working out and eating right for weeks at least and then I notice it's only been 9 days into the new year -.- haha. Don't give up and keep going. :)
  • Firstly stop getting on the scales everyday! You'll only end up disappointed and for many reasons already posted (i.e. Muscle weighs more than fat etc), only weekly+ measurements will tell the tale, I personally would do it every 2 weeks.

    Just enjoy your new found motivation and you will notice the health benefits quicker than you will body aesthetics!!!
  • luperaz
    luperaz Posts: 26
    Lets look at the weight loss math. 3500 calories is 1 pound of fat, 50 mins of good cardio is 500 calories. There is almost no possible way to burn 3500 calories in 2 days let alone a week. I do crazy Cardio and eat right and only lose about 1 pound a week. Sometimes it comes off slowly sometimes or sometimes I lose quickly. Give yourself and your body a chance. doing 50 mins of cardio a day is a big accomplishment you should be proud, not many people the discipline to do that.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    The scale is flicked, it will happen. Plus check your measurements, many time you are losing inches and cannot tell on the scales. When I first started, I would lose then get stuck for a week or so and suddenly drop.

    You may also not being eating enough. If you are working that hard, your body needs to be replenished with calories.

    Are you eating back your calories?

    you dont necessarily need to eat any calories you burn off especially if your cardio work out is less than an hour a day. If i were to eat those calories back for an hours worth of cardio, i'd never drop the weight correctly or at all really.
    If you arent busting your *kitten* for 3 hours a day, i'd say stick to your goal calories each day and leave your 'burned/earned calories' alone. those are a bonus and save them for the weekend in case you need to splurge. its all about balance!!!

    And i do agree with inches. sometimes we lose inches and not weight. check your measurements!
  • How are you feeling?

    I have found that I might not lose weight, but I feel like I have more energy and can push myself a little harder.

    Also, step away from the scale. Try weighing only once a week. I have started weighing on Sunday mornings first thing.
  • BlackTimber
    BlackTimber Posts: 230 Member
    Changing your lifestyle is not measured in hours or days. If the scale becomes bothersome then just keep doing what you are doing and weigh yourself a month from now. Even you didn't lose an ounce but you were active for 30 days, you are going to feel way better and probably look better too. For now I would say, keep it simple:

    Focus on your calories.
    Eat back ~50% of your exercise calories.
    Experiment with different forms of exercise to find one that fits what you LIKE to do.

    As you get more into it you will want to pay a little more attention to exactly what your eating. There are so many theories about what foods are healthy or not, it will make your head spin. Avoid any "special" diets - they are designed to take your money, not make you healthy. Avoid supplements. The majority of supplements will do ~5% of what you expect them to do, again they are designed to take your money, not make you healthy.

    It took me three weeks before I lost any scale weight. But since then (30ish weeks) I have lost ~40 pounds at a relatively steady rate. It will happen if you want it to.
  • GoddessG
    GoddessG Posts: 175 Member
    I was "stuck" for nearly 2 weeks. SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!

    So I reviewed my food (nutrition) log and realized that I was no longer drink anywhere near the water that I should be drinking each day. So I computed minimum water needs (weight in lbs * .75 = minimum ounces) On 3rd day, it started coming off again bounteously. (3.1 lbs in 2 days before slowing back down)

    I also pulled out my measuring tape. As I am very obese, it's hard to measure the exact same place twice in a row, so I measure my circumference just under my breast. I may not have lost ounces, let alone pounds, but I did lose an inch in a week. I just added measuring the neck but only have one reading so far.

    As I reviewed the nutrition log this morning, I realize that since my water intake is up, my protein intake is down. This isn't good. Protein builds muscle and the more muscle we have, the higher our metabolism = more calories burned without exercise. So I'm reworking my eating plan to accommodate both. (Minimum protein requirement = wt in pounds * .37 = grams of protein

    I am finding this journey very educational.
  • walk2120
    walk2120 Posts: 47 Member

    you dont necessarily need to eat any calories you burn off especially if your cardio work out is less than an hour a day. If i were to eat those calories back for an hours worth of cardio, i'd never drop the weight correctly or at all really.
    If you arent busting your *kitten* for 3 hours a day, i'd say stick to your goal calories each day and leave your 'burned/earned calories' alone. those are a bonus and save them for the weekend in case you need to splurge. its all about balance!!!

    And i do agree with inches. sometimes we lose inches and not weight. check your measurements!

    I totally agree with you, meredith1123. I am in exact same position as woodwardtm. I have been working out every single day (3 mile walks) starting 31st Dec. For the first 4 days, I did not eat my work out calories back and I dropped 1 lb. Then from the other posts, I realised that I am supposed to eat the workout calories back. So I did for last 5 days and I am back at where I have started!

    I think I will stick to your idea of not eating back the calories and saving it just in case for weekend parties. Thanks!
  • CashthePRO
    CashthePRO Posts: 6 Member
    If you're going for long-term weight loss (meaning you're trying to lose 20+ over 4 or 5 months), DON'T WEIGHT YOURSELF FOR TWO WEEKS.

    If you just started working, the first part of the process is muscle building and that is what will cause the plateau. After two or three weeks, then the added muscle will start speeding up your metabolism and you'll see the results.

    Just stay with it, watch the alcohol intake and snacking and you'll be fine.
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    The scale isn't the best indicator of progress. You should start taking before and during pictures as well as take your measurements. I realize it is frustrating not to see the scale move, but you can not soley rely on it. In the last six weeks I have not lost any weight. None. Zilch. Zero. Nothing. Nada. I have, however, lost over five inches and I've dropped one pant size during tha ttime. Weight loss is not linear and patience will be your best friend.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    People get frustrated because of unrealistic expectations. It's only been a week. Be patient. When you first start working out your body retains water to repair itself and that can mask weight loss. Also remember that weight loss is something like 80% diet and only 20% exercise so make sure your calorie goal is right. And be patient.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    you dont necessarily need to eat any calories you burn off especially if your cardio work out is less than an hour a day. If i were to eat those calories back for an hours worth of cardio, i'd never drop the weight correctly or at all really.
    If you arent busting your *kitten* for 3 hours a day, i'd say stick to your goal calories each day and leave your 'burned/earned calories' alone. those are a bonus and save them for the weekend in case you need to splurge. its all about balance!!!

    And i do agree with inches. sometimes we lose inches and not weight. check your measurements!

    I totally agree with you, meredith1123. I am in exact same position as woodwardtm. I have been working out every single day (3 mile walks) starting 31st Dec. For the first 4 days, I did not eat my work out calories back and I dropped 1 lb. Then from the other posts, I realised that I am supposed to eat the workout calories back. So I did for last 5 days and I am back at where I have started!

    I think I will stick to your idea of not eating back the calories and saving it just in case for weekend parties. Thanks!

    If you gain weight from eating back your calories then your calculations are wrong. You're either underestimating how much you're eating or overestimating your calories burned, or both.

    MFP has already figured your deficit. If you don't eat back your exercise calories you create too much deficit, which will hurt you in the long run.
  • Eventhough the scale doesnt budge.your body is going thru changes. i find it imperative to measure my bust, hips and thigh area when i begin my lifestyle change,

    For times like this; to measure, and see the amount of inches lost........... is the best boost you can give yourself to push on.

    good Luck.
  • Honey a pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same. the difference is muscle takes up less space. :noway:
  • walk2120
    walk2120 Posts: 47 Member

    you dont necessarily need to eat any calories you burn off especially if your cardio work out is less than an hour a day. If i were to eat those calories back for an hours worth of cardio, i'd never drop the weight correctly or at all really.
    If you arent busting your *kitten* for 3 hours a day, i'd say stick to your goal calories each day and leave your 'burned/earned calories' alone. those are a bonus and save them for the weekend in case you need to splurge. its all about balance!!!

    And i do agree with inches. sometimes we lose inches and not weight. check your measurements!

    I totally agree with you, meredith1123. I am in exact same position as woodwardtm. I have been working out every single day (3 mile walks) starting 31st Dec. For the first 4 days, I did not eat my work out calories back and I dropped 1 lb. Then from the other posts, I realised that I am supposed to eat the workout calories back. So I did for last 5 days and I am back at where I have started!

    I think I will stick to your idea of not eating back the calories and saving it just in case for weekend parties. Thanks!

    If you gain weight from eating back your calories then your calculations are wrong. You're either underestimating how much you're eating or overestimating your calories burned, or both.

    MFP has already figured your deficit. If you don't eat back your exercise calories you create too much deficit, which will hurt you in the long run.

    My diet (and water intake) has not changed much between those 4 days when I did drop a pound and the last 5 days where I have gained it back. Since I don't have HRM, I am relaying on MFP calculations for calories burn in work outs. May be you are right that it is overestimating the burned calories?
  • i feel the same way! its just mind-blowing that my scale isn't budging after 3 days! Just keep going!!!
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member

    you dont necessarily need to eat any calories you burn off especially if your cardio work out is less than an hour a day. If i were to eat those calories back for an hours worth of cardio, i'd never drop the weight correctly or at all really.
    If you arent busting your *kitten* for 3 hours a day, i'd say stick to your goal calories each day and leave your 'burned/earned calories' alone. those are a bonus and save them for the weekend in case you need to splurge. its all about balance!!!

    And i do agree with inches. sometimes we lose inches and not weight. check your measurements!

    I totally agree with you, meredith1123. I am in exact same position as woodwardtm. I have been working out every single day (3 mile walks) starting 31st Dec. For the first 4 days, I did not eat my work out calories back and I dropped 1 lb. Then from the other posts, I realised that I am supposed to eat the workout calories back. So I did for last 5 days and I am back at where I have started!

    I think I will stick to your idea of not eating back the calories and saving it just in case for weekend parties. Thanks!

    I have done this for three years, it is not a sprint, it is marathon. I ALWAYS eat back my calories and lose easily. You will screw up your metabolism. Your body NEEDS fuel especially if you are doing cardio. Ask people who have done it longer and know how to keep the weight off long term. THERE is nothing wrong with eating your calories back, gaining back a couple pounds could be water weight or muscle. Unless you ate 3500 over, as the person said above. It is not fat. I promise.