
pattycake57 Posts: 3
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I just started on this web site. My daughter told me about it. While I don't have a lot of weight to lose I use to be there and want to get a handle on it before I get back to my old self. My biggest stuggle right now is getting exercise in. I just can't seem to get motivated at this point. Have to kick myself in the butt and get going.


  • Corbinsmom
    Corbinsmom Posts: 117
    I completely understand not having time to fit in exersize. I started at MFP about a month ago and thought i will just have to skip the excersize. I am out of the house for 11 hours for work everyday and have two children both under the age of 2. I'm still nursing my 4 month old ( althouhg it isn't going well) and after they are in bed I am so exhausted. So I started finding ways to work a little in. I have to walk about a halp a block to use the restroom at work, so now when I go I power walk to it and back . It wasn't much but it was better than nothing. I also manged to fit in 20 minutes on my stationary bike at home at least three tiems a week. I call it my decompressing time. Anyway my point is I feel your pain and I wish you a lot of sucess. This is a great site with a lot of encouraging people.

    Go for it
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