New, Again

Good Morning! I'm new to this site again, but this time I'm sticking to it. The last go around I just had too many things going on in my life and I couldn't focus on my goals to becoming healthier and lighter. I have a great group of individuals at work that are supportive and currently have the same goal of losing weight, so I am hoping this will be easier this time around.

I'm a 40 something Christian mom, newly remarried, work full time and pretty much a country girl, loving all that comes with it ~ I'm always open to making new friends and sharing what works and being a cheerleader for those that need the encouragement.

I have never been a "skinny" person or at least not since I was probably about 7. I developed early into a young lady with a woman's figure but didn't have a weight problem until after having my first child. Then I became thin and healthy again after divorcing in my mid 20's. Since then it's been an up and down battle but mostly up with extras. I've had mostly desk jobs, plenty of stress, hormonal issues, a couple of surgeries, add that to not exercising and skipping meals and too much fast food and my love of Mexican food & pizza, well all that equals = Overweight. At this point, I'm not running the risk of blowing it with needing a speedy weight loss and I don't plan on becoming Twiggy. I just want to lose enough to be healthy, to have energy, to not have to worry about my comfort when I sit in a chair, or wonder if the seat belt is going to fasten on an airplane or carnival ride.

So, here's to making a difference, becoming healthier, and getting into those skinny jeans in 2013!


  • Gkauf30755
    Good luck! I'm new here too, and I'm a yo yo dieter. I hope to do something different and healthy this time around. Do you want to be friends?