Pull up recommendations?



  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    I imagine you were going to failure on a set, and feeling pretty wrecked after each one.

    Its ok to do that every now and again, but its not the best way to make rapid strength gains. Back down on the set intensity, but do more of them more often. Your muscles don't just need to get beat up, they need experience and they need you to be psyched to work the,. These are metaphors of course, but hopefully useful.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Coming from a different angle - the way I started doing pullups was to stop working on pullups and start working on good form. I just did general lat exercises with a real focus on actually using the lats - all the other muscles in your shoulders and arms are all like, hey, I got this, you go ahead and rest, and your lats go yeah, sure, I'm this ginormous muscle that can pull a truck but ok, you go for it. So you need to teach yourself to do the opposite of that. After a bit of that my husband asked if I could do a pullup and I said no, and in trying to demonstrate this inability did one. And it's gotten easier since then, I actually do sets now.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    jump up with head above the bar and do the negative portion of the rep (the way down)