Frustrated with "things"

Thank heavens I am back from vacation. I was so frustrated while in Florida. My mother-in-law, who I love dearly, has "control" issues. The last few years my husband, kids and I have gone to Florida and stayed at their condo without my in-laws there. It was nice because we had the control over what we did and what we had in the house. This year was different. We got there a day before they did. We did grocery shopping and had all of the right foods in the refrigerator and cupboards. My mother-in-law gets there and literally is applauded by the healthy low carbs food and fresh fruits for the kids to snack on. She even said, "the kids need "better" snacks than this" She literally threw everything out and went to Costco and Sams Club and bought all sorts of chips and unhealthy snacks. I am talking one case of chips and a case of Cheetos. I was not happy about it but of course my husband didn't back me up because that is what he grew up with and didn't see anything wrong with indulging her for just the one week. I tried to offer to cook dinner but she insisted on take out everynight and sabatoge me cooking, I just gave up because I didn't want to be in this power struggle. I felt like I was in a no win situation with her. I didn't want to ruin our time there. I was very disappointed with my husband because he knows weight is such a struggle for me. I just gave in. I know it was my choice and a bad one at that. How do you deal with these situations? I felt trapped. Now i feel like I have to start all over again with everything because it had only been a few weeks of good eating and excercise before we left and I struggle greatly with will power and self control. But I know I have to figure how to deal with these situations because I can't be in the controled enviroment of my house all the time. I am hoping that because I have until June to get in some very good habits before we take our big trip out West.



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It's frustrating. I just got back from a family visit too.

    Often with my father-in-law (my mother-in-law is much more flexible and loves me to cook for her), he tosses my healthy food and buys stuff that I would never eat not because it's 'good for the kids', but it's what he wants to eat. And your husband may have wanted to kick back on vacation too.

    It doesn't matter now. Right now you're back in your own kitchen and can go back to what you want to do. It was only a week in a whole lifetime.

    For next time . . .

    I don't argue with family about food. It's not going to change. I just read yesterday that 90% of people say they eat a 'healthy' diet. We know that's not true. Just go with it.

    I look at whatever is put on the table and eat a lot of the healthiest things and very little of everything else. Yesterday I was at a potluck with friends. I had a huge helping of salad (my contribution), one cookie, half a slice of lasagna, and skipped the garlic bread. It was fine.

    When I see my mother-in-law or mom or sisters are putting out a great spread but without something I want to eat a lot of, I just say "You don't mind if I make a salad too, do you?" No one ever objects. No criticism of what they're doing, just helping out. And I eat some of most things that are out - lots of time they taste good. I just can't eat a lot of them.

    On a similar note . . . .

    I did refreshments for a dance last month. Usually it's all junk food - and I did have punch and lots of cookies, some hershey's kisses, and popcorn balls. I also had lots of fresh veggies, salsa, and water. It looked pretty.

    I heard a few sniping remarks about the veggies (I notice all the hershey's kisses disappeared before the veggies!). But a whole group of folks quietly chowed down on veggies and grabbed just one cookie or one hershey's kiss. People really like the choice, even though they like the treat too. You're not the only one watching their calories.
  • pmad37
    pmad37 Posts: 105 Member
    Sorry your vacay wasn't all that you hoped it would be. And yes, there is always someone around to derail good intentions. Hang in there, you are good!