MUSCLE SORNESS post that will never be read by anyone



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I see no reason that people can't come here and ask. There is a ton of information to process. I would never assume that someone has not been trying and reading and thinking and just needs some people to talk to, to help work it out in their heads.

    This is what community forums are, to help you get to the answers you need. Seriously, I'm so happy you know everything you need to know about you, but, you seem a bit self involved. If you don't want to help anyone you need not read or answer any posts seeking help.

    completely missed the point.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    I see no reason that people can't come here and ask. There is a ton of information to process. I would never assume that someone has not been trying and reading and thinking and just needs some people to talk to, to help work it out in their heads.

    This is what community forums are, to help you get to the answers you need. Seriously, I'm so happy you know everything you need to know about you, but, you seem a bit self involved. If you don't want to help anyone you need not read or answer any posts seeking help.

    completely missed the point.

    No I don't think I did. If people come in here asking the wrong questions, its by virtue of talking it out with others (who ask them the right questions) that they get to the right ones, and learn.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I see no reason that people can't come here and ask. There is a ton of information to process. I would never assume that someone has not been trying and reading and thinking and just needs some people to talk to, to help work it out in their heads.

    This is what community forums are, to help you get to the answers you need. Seriously, I'm so happy you know everything you need to know about you, but, you seem a bit self involved. If you don't want to help anyone you need not read or answer any posts seeking help.

    completely missed the point.

    No I don't think I did. If people come in here asking the wrong questions, its by virtue of talking it out with others (who ask them the right questions) that they get to the right ones, and learn.

    the point is that others are not going to be able to help you. this wont work unless you figure it out for yourself and your body.

    in other words, how on earth are we supposed to know what works for you? have we been feeding your body? ignoring it? hating it? working it? loving it? watching it do good and do bad?

    people show up and expect a blanket answer for every. single. question.

    except the one that does have a universal answer, that one they dont want.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    No I don't think I did. If people come in here asking the wrong questions, its by virtue of talking it out with others (who ask them the right questions) that they get to the right ones, and learn.

    That's a fair point, but I tend to disagree with you. I think what happens when you ask the wrong question is that you get people who know nothing about you and your circumstances answering with solutions from their own experiences, so you get all kinds of responses that might be perfectly reasonable for the person posing the solution, but have little to know bearing on the person asking the question.

    Example: A woman posts "I stepped on the scale and gained 3lbs!!!"

    "You're eating too much"
    "You need to eat more, you're starving yourself"
    "You need to eat less sodium, you're bloated"
    "You need to change your diet to XYZ"
    "You need to do more cardio"
    "You should lift more"
    "Take up IF, it really works"

    All perfectly reasonable solutions that may or may not have worked for the people who said them, but have no bearing on the OP. All we know is that she's freaking out about the weighin on the scale, so presumably she wasn't bulking. That's it, maybe a couple tidbits from her profile like age or what her diet was like for the past few days. We don't even know the timeframe under which she gained the 3 pounds. That's not nearly enough information to provide meaningful feedback that will actually help the OP.


    "I deviated from my diet yesterday and had XYZ when I usually eat ZYX, would this cause a large increase on the scale? If so, can you elaborate on it?"

    "I've been eating XYZ for the past month and I expected to maintain my weight but instead I'm a few pounds over. Are there other factors that could be involved that would skew the scale results besides my diet being off? How do I figure out if reducing my calories from where it's at now to stop gaining weight would be safe?"

    "What are some indicators that you use to keep your diet in check. I've been trying to stay on point with it but I've gained a few pounds and am worried I might be missing something. I'm currently doing XYZ. My stats are ABC"

    All much better questions that will get more accurate answers.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Also, boobs.